From the Bear Pit
Regional Council Meeting News
July 12, 2021 Regional Council Meeting
Mayor Foster proclaimed September is Literacy Month in the Northern Rockies!
Lytton Donation
Regional Council resolved to make a donation of $3,000 to the relief efforts for the community of Lytton, BC which was recently devastated by wildfire.
NRRM Board of Variance Bylaw No. 195, 2021 was given three readings.
Industrial RTE Bylaw Extension
Regional Council gave the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption Amendment Bylaw No. 194, 2021 first, second and third readings. Resolving to extend the program by two years, until August 31, 2023. Section 226 of the Community Charter authorizes Council, through the establishment of a bylaw, to provide tax exemptions for land or improvements, or both, for the purpose of encouraging revitalization in the municipality.
Permissive Tax Exemption Policy Update
Last year 30 organizations submitted applications for the exemption. The existing process requires each organization submit a full application annually. Historically the makeup of the organizations change very little from year to year, if at all.
The policy is being revised for full applications to be submitted every 3 years. In each of the 2 years following approval of an application, applicants would be required to submit a renewal application confirming any changes to their circumstances.
Development Permit Application #48/21
On July 9, 2021 Diemert Holdings Ltd. submitted a Development Permit application for the construction of a 372 sq.m. (4004 sq.ft) addition and loading dock located on the north and east sides of the existing principal building. The addition will be used for the unloading and storage of retail merchandise. As well, an existing cement retaining wall will be removed and a new wall constructed.
Recreation and Leisure Access Program (LAP) Income Cut-Offs
Regional Council approved Administration Report #46/21 setting the Leisure Access Fees at the Recreation Centre, local or regional parks and public facilities based on community average; and that the Leisure Access Program (LAP) be expanded to include persons with disabilities based on verification; and that the LAP be updated to reflect appropriate household incomes to 2021 based on CPI average increases.
June 28, 2021 Regional Council Meeting
Preparing for B.C. to Lift the
Provincial State of Emergency
Regional Council received for information a summary of B.C.'s plan to lift the Provincial State of Emergency. Under the authority of the Emergency Program Act, the original Provincial State of Emergency was first declared on March 18, 2020, the day after Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer (PHO), declared a public health emergency. In the months that followed, several Ministerial Orders were issued under the authority of the Emergency Program Act/provincial state of emergency and when the state of emergency is lifted, those Ministerial Orders will no longer be in effect.
While there are municipal authorities which will cease with the end of Ministerial Orders, there are also operational changes which continue in some form under Public Health Orders issued under the Public Health Act. The future of these is not as certain but many are expected to remain and become part of broader permanent WorkSafeBC requirements for workplaces.
Regional Council approved a request to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for a Minister’s Order authorizing the write-off of property taxes and related penalties and interest identified as uncollectible
Regional Council resolved to extend the Airport Fees and Parking Regulations Bylaw until December 31st, 2021, providing some time to get things back up and running past the September 7th date when all restrictions will be lifted.
Regional Council received for information a letter from Minister Beare of Citizens' Services regarding Northern Table on Connectivity.
Regional Council received for information a letter from MLA Dan Davies regarding the power outage NRRM experienced on June 16th, 2021.
Regional Council received for information a letter from McKenna Stidolph with heartfelt thanks for her receiving the 2019 Dr. Kassa Annual Health Scholarship.
Regional Council adopted the 2020 Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Annual Report as final. The Community Charter requires that municipalities produce an annual report, including a number of specific pieces of information ranging from the audited annual financial statements to municipal services and operations, among others.
Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption
(RTE) Bylaw Review
At the time the program was developed, Council identified the Industrial RTE program as a tool to achieve their goals of increasing economic diversification, job creation, industry development, and the local tax base while creating permanent, local jobs, with minimal costs to the Municipality. Based on Council’s current strategic priorities, the objectives of the Industrial RTE program remain aligned. With a number of investments in the past 12-24 months, there have been a number of eligible properties/applicants for the program that have been provided the materials as well as any support required to apply. It is reasonable to believe that in the coming 12+ months, at least one application could be forthcoming.