From the Bear Pit
Regional Council Meeting News
February 14, 2022 Regional Council Meetings
Municipal Opposition to FortisBC Rate Change Continues
FortisBC Energy Inc. (Fortis, the Company, FEI) has made application to the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC, the Commission) for approval to:
implement common delivery and cost of gas rates (Common Rates) with FEI elsewhere in the Province to the Fort Nelson service area (FEFN) effective January 1, 2023; and
- set the Delivery Rates and the Revenue Stabilization Adjustment Mechanism (RSAM) rate rider for FEFN effective January 1, 2022
Presently, the Rate Schedules which apply to the Fort Nelson Service Area are separate from those which apply to “the Mainland and Vancouver Island.” Fortis seeks to bring its Fort Nelson customers under a uniform rate structure based on that set for the rest of the province.
With a view to ensuring that residents and businesses in the FEFN and the NRRM receive fair and equitable treatment and that economic recovery not be impeded,
- It is the determination of the NRRM that it is in the overall best interests of the residents, businesses, and the region that the Application for Common Rates be denied, and that an independent rate structure be maintained for FEFN consumers; and
- That should the Common Rates component of the Application be unsuccessful, the associated costs not be viewed as a Regulatory Expense to be reclaimed from FEFN ratepayers.
Landfill Share Shed Update
At the November 8, 2021 Regional Council meeting, Council requested staff bring back information related to the feasibility and implementation of installing a share shed. Following Admin Report #09/22 Council requested staff provide further information related to installation and operating costs.
The current contractor has significant experience in landfill scale operations and
is enthusiastic about the potential for establishing a share shed at the landfill scale site. Effective shed management is estimated to require up to 12 additional hours per week, an overall budget increase of up to $11,232 annually.
Options for sheds at the Northern Rockies Landfill Transfer station range in size and pricing is reflective of the amount of square footage sought. Examples include purchasing shed kits, approximately $2000-$4000/relative to square footage, or, acquiring a prefabricated building such as a 20’ used sea can, approximately
$4000-$5500. Site preparation, delivery of building and installation is estimated at approximately $2500.00 and would be completed by NRRM staff.
Regional Council directed staff to firm up final costs for implementation of a share shed with recommendations to be brought back based on a one year pilot project to determine the value in such a facility.
Tourism Advisory Committee (TAC) Annual Report Follow-Up
Regional Development Officer Krista Vandersteen alongside TAC Chair Bev Vandersteen provided a follow-up report to the Tourism Advisory Committee's annual report. The following approvals were made by Regional Council.
- That staff continue to work with the TAC and plan for an adjusted recruitment timeframe in 2023 based on what makes the most sense for efficiency and maintaining TAC momentum.
- To carry out Action #2 of the Tourism Strategy, by approving the change of the name of the Tourism Advisory Committee to ‘Action’ Committee, and update the purpose within the Terms of Reference to shift to implementation, to move the Tourism Strategy forward.
- To create a BC Parks non-voting liaison position on the Tourism Advisory Committee Terms of Reference under Membership. Also the sending of a letter to Chelsea Sinitsin, the Liard Area Supervisor informing her of this update to the Terms of Reference and formally inviting BC Parks to be a non-voting member of the TAC.
Toad River Community Water Supply Update
investigate options to provide a reliable supply of safe drinking water in Toad River and to confirm any potential
water have been identified and a grant application for this work is to be submitted on or before February 23,
Since then consultants performed an assessment concluding that the water supply in the community hall was insufficient. Determining a new well would be required, this which was completed in March 2021. The next steps include engaging stakeholders in the Toad River area to get their thoughts and feedback on this project. Further breakdown of capital costs is dependent on requirements of Northern Health for a potable water system.
NRRM Public Works and Fire Hall Building Project Update
Following the 2020 identification that the foundation of the Fire Hall and Public Works Building was significantly
deteriorated, a building condition assessment was completed and used to support a grant application to restore the Fire Hall and Public Works foundation, structural, electrical and mechanical deficiencies. A grant has been approved in the amount of $1,797,000 or 100% of the renewal activities required. These works are anticipated to provide an additional 20+ years of life to the facility.
The renewal of the foundation will be tendered in the spring. The structural work will be prioritized, then next steps of the rest of the renewal work which was outlined in the initial grant application will be planned with the assistance of a engineering consultant.
Stumpage Policy for Community Forests
Lisa Thompson, Director of Regional Development and Planning presented a report regarding Stumpage Policy for Community Forests. Administration Report #12/22 was provided for context regarding the Province’s policy intention to harmonize timber stumpage policy for community forests.
Tourism Tradeshows 2022
The NRRM has been asked to do two seminars each show day. The seminars are a great opportunity to inspire a larger group of people to travel to Northern BC in a fun, less intimidating way than perhaps visiting a booth. During past opportunities to provide seminars, many of the seminar attendees have then gone to the booth to seek additional one-on-one trip planning information. The seminars are titled:
- Wildlife, Nature and wide-open spaces in Northern BC, and
- The Northern Circle Route
Regional Council will not be sending a representative this year and costs for staff to attend will be covered by the Northeast BC Tourism Marketing Consortium.
Grant Application: UBCM's Community Emergency Preparedness Fund- Emergency Operations Centre Funding Stream
Regional Council approved the submission of a grant application to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) 2022 Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (Emergency Operations Centre stream), to fund up to $25,000 toward the purchase of a generator for the Northern Rockies Regional Recreation Centre to provide emergency power for the Community Hall kitchen and to fund administrative support for Emergency Response Plan updates and revisions.
2022 Second Quarter Grant-in-Aid Approvals
Regional Council approved three applications for the 2022 Second Quarter Grant-in-Aid applications fand pre-approved the 2022 Discretionary Grant-in-Aid budget of $20,000. The applications approved included $1,000 towards Fort Nelson Event Society's "Northern Lights Festival", Fort Nelson Sled Dog Association's "Welcome to Sledding Day" and Northern Rockies Arts Council's "Street Festival".
Graduation Street Pole Banners
Regional Council approved the Graduation Street Pole Banner Program to celebrate the NRRM graduating classes as an annual program. Council’s decision in the past two years approving the purchase and installation of graduation banners was very well received by the graduates, their parents and the citizens of NRRM. The banners supplied were 2’ x 5’ double sided polyester mesh and were displayed for six months at a cost of $5,000.
Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw Adopted
Regional Council adopted NRRM Revenue Anticipation Borrowing Bylaw No. 200, 2022 This revenue anticipation borrowing bylaw is an annual requirement to satisfy our banking security requirements for a line of credit with the CIBC for an amount not exceeding $1,000,000. Borrowing under the authority of these annual bylaws has not been used in recent years as there are typically sufficient operating funds available until taxes are collected.
2022 Chamber of Commerce Week: February 14 - 18
Regional Council proclaimed February 15, 2022 Angelman Awareness Day. One of our citizens Benjamin has been diagnosed with this rare neurological disorder. The citizens of NRRM are encouraged to wear Blue on February 15th in support of Benjamin and his family.
Liard Hot Springs Protected Hotwater Physa Snail