1. Gala Success!

2. A Note On Social Media

3. Classroom Expansion Project

4. Coming in '22-'23: Fine Arts Lab

5. Upcoming Parent Meeting

6. Faculty Christmas Gift
Exceeding expectations at Trinity's first-annual event.
God is good, and he worked a spirit of generosity in the more than 160 people who came to Trinity's first annual Gala! Thanks to our sponsors, volunteers, and guests, the night was a huge success. The Gala netted over $160,000! Funds from this event will go to support expanded classroom space and a fine arts/piano lab. Mark your calendars today, the second annual Trinity Gala will be on Saturday, October 8, 2022! Check out this link to see more pictures from the event.
Just Say NO!
(to social media?)
Parents and Families,

If you've ever been in my office and asked about transportation to/from Trinity, and the topic of school bussing has ever come up, you likely know what I think about bussing - I don't like it. Just observational data should demonstrate all you need to know: There is one adult (who is not facing the students, is not a trained educator, is focusing only on safety/the road - not the children, etc.), and there is a large number of minors (students) often left to their own devices.

This is similar to the way many school leaders and parents view social media and smartphones. Yes, the internet and social media can be tools for good (staying connected, sharing memories, etc.). But when unchecked, unmonitored, or uncoached, these tools left in the hands of developing minors can cause serious damage.

Recently, the Stanford Center for Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing partnered with HopeLab for a qualitative analysis of youth and social media. One of the single most concerning findings of the study was, "youth encounter ubiquitous graphic content (murders, shootings, sex, violence toward people and animals) but see no clear avenue on how to manage its impacts. And youth do not report connecting with support systems after seeing graphic content." That "connecting with support" piece could be read as parents.

Another article from the Mayo Clinic cites research that found, "using social media more than three times a day predicted poor mental health and well-being in teens." Other research found that the greater nighttime social media use and emotional investment in social media were each linked with worse sleep quality and higher levels of anxiety and depression.

Our theme for the school year is Every Single Day based on Philippians 4:8. Let's look at that verse again: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Trinity is working Every Single Day to instill those values in our students, pointing them to the greatest example of purity, love, and excellence: Jesus.

Recently, our 5th-graders and their parents took part in our first of 4 Foundations experiences with their Rooted trip to Camp LuWiSoMo. There, Pastor Carl and Mrs. Tarr led parents and students in the study of God's word towards the increased frequency and quality of faith conversations in the home. Did you catch that? In the home.

Parents, we are with you and support you! We are praying for you and working with you for the holistic growth of your child. Every day we will work to share Jesus and build character within our student body. If you ever have any questions about what we teach, why we teach it, or how you can better teach those things at home, we are a phone call or email away. We are with you.

Dr. Seefeld
Looking ahead to next year.
Trinity's governing body, the Board of Lay Leaders (BLL), is currently working with Trinity's administration to build out a 1, 5, and 10-year plan for the school ministry's expansion. As master campus planning continues, and as we work towards a potential capital campaign, our school will explore temporary classroom space to account for the school's growth. The school is working with a local building firm to price out the addition of up to six (6) temporary classrooms to be placed alongside current buildings. This is separate (and hopefully ahead of) our master campus plan that includes a significant capital campaign and building expansion. More news and updates about this project will be out soon. Praise God for our continued growth!
Pianos, workstations, group band, and more!
Thanks to the generosity of our Gala donors, Trinity intends to build a fine arts/piano lab to be ready at the start of the '22-'23 school year. Similar to the picture above, piano labs offer group instruction by linking a "master" piano (or instructor station) into each student's piano, allowing students to play alongside the teacher, hearing only their keyboard and the teacher's. While plans are underway to construct this lab, we're also in the beginning stages of talks to revamp our fine arts curriculum to give more students choices and opportunities in the arts. More information on this project and our curriculum will be out in 2022; praise God for His gift of music and the chance to offer this special class at Trinity.
October 24, 2021 - Gathering Room.
Trinity holds two parent meetings each year as an open forum for parents to ask questions and offer feedback to our leadership team, and also to fulfill part of our compliance with the Department of Public Instruction. These meetings are in addition to our annual EdTalk in the spring and in addition to congregational updates in church. The first of these two meetings are on Sunday, October 24th, at 12pm in Trinity's Gathering Room (top of the stairs between the kindergarten room and the sanctuary).
Consider a small gift to support Trinity's teachers.
Our team works hard, each day, for the good of our children. I am so proud to be a part of this team and honored to support them in their work. Because of budget constraints, it is unusual for Trinity to provide any sort of bonus or Christmas gift to our teammates. This year, we are asking our donors and the greater community to consider a small gift to be shared amongst the teachers. Cash gifts in sealed envelopes to the office are encouraged, as this is not a gift to Trinity, but only a 'thank you' to our teachers. If you have specific questions about this project, please email me directly. Thank you in advance for your consideration and kindness!

No School
(professional development)

Parent Meeting I
(12pm - Gathering Room)

Fall Family Fest

3rd-Grade Bible Presentations
(5pm Worship - Sanctuary)

MEQUON, WI 53097