What to expect in the new 'From The Principal's Desk' memos
Besides the fresh new look, the once-a-month (or so) FTPD memos will begin to shift even more towards big-picture items that are pertinent to Trinity. We have a lot of targets to hit this spring, and so much in which to look forward. We'll also work to keep our community informed on education policy and information in our district, state, and nation. COVID-19 brought a deluge of political and legal issues related to education. As your principal, I feel called to be our school's foremost advocate at the state and local levels; I also want our community to be informed on these issues as they impact our most precious possessions - our children.

We'll still announce school initiatives, dress-down days, etc., but most of the day-to-day and operational information will continue shifting over to the Trinity Times updates sent each Friday. Either way, you will no-doubt be a well-informed parent! And speaking of dress-down days...
Playoffs!? Yes! The Green and Gold are in the divisional round of the NFL Playoffs, so let's have a Free Dress Friday to celebrate! Come in your favorite Packers jersey, hoodie, or green and gold attire - or your free dress of choice! Please visit the Parent/Guardian Handbook for guidelines on free dress days.
8th-graders meet virtually with political leaders
While the political landscape of our country remains tumultuous, Trinity students have been carefully learning about all that goes into leading a city, state, and nation. As part of our push for engaging, hands-on learning, 8th-graders requested visits with various leaders from across government and have already met (via Zoom) with Mequon Mayor, John Wirth. This Thursday, students will meet with U.S. Representative Glenn Grothman. Kudos to Ms. Jahr for facilitating this fantastic learning opportunity.
Trinity prepares to set a course for years to come.
Over the next 4 to 6 months, Trinity's school will engage in a robust strategic planning process that sets a course for growth over the next 5 to 10 years. 'Growth' can mean a lot of different things (including opportunities outside our walls); but no matter what, the process will loop in stakeholders from our church, school families, and staff members. Together, we will identify key areas for improvement, analyze our strengths and challenges, and with a lot of prayer and reliance on God, set a course for the future. Stay tuned for more information!
ENROLLMENT for '21-'22
Yard signs, door-hangers, Open House events, etc.
Last week in Family Folders, a letter went home describing our re-enrollment process for the '21-'22 school year. It is important that each of our families take the necessary steps in order to re-enroll and guarantee seating for the next school year. What the letter did not include was the array of initiatives we're about to enact to continue growing our school and expanding our presence in the greater community.

With the addition of new students this past Friday, our growth in the past two years has exceeded 83%. PRAISE GOD! It is our prayer that this trend continues! In an upcoming memo, we'll let you know of a few opportunities to help our school grow. From the simple gesture of placing an Open House sign in your yard, to taking a couple of hours to hang signs on doors in the area, our community will be out and about working to bring in the next classes of Trinity students!

Oh, and look for one of our advertising initiatives to pop up along I-41 between Pilgrim and County Line in the weeks leading up to the Open House events! ;-)
Help available from Lutheran Counseling and Family Services
Our friends at LCFS offer personalized and confidential in-school counseling, led by licensed and certified mental health counselors and therapists who can assist children who have been identified by teachers, principals, family members, pastors or others as
exhibiting potential at-risk behaviors. At-risk behaviors can be those that interfere with a student’s ability to do things that are appropriate for his or her age, are beginning to damage relationships, or are impacting learning and development.

Once a student is identified, written permission is obtained from parents allowing LCFS to meet with the child during the school day to provide an evaluation and possible counseling. LCFS works closely with teachers to ensure the timing is coordinated and in the best interest of the student. If counseling sessions are recommended, each
student on average will be seen for up to 10 thirty-minute sessions. Please note, our in-school services are offered at no charge to students and are made available through generous donations and grants from community partners.

To utilize LCFS's services, or to inquire more about our partnership, please call 414-536-8333 or send an email to lcfs@lcfswi.org.
A new memo (coming soon) from our Assistant Principal of Academics, Mrs. Stefanie Herbert
Supporting and growing academics from preschool all the way through 8th grade can be quite a heavy lift for small schools. At Trinity, we're blessed to have an in-house teacher coach, curriculum director, and dean of academics all-in-one! Mrs. Herbert covers a lot of ground in her day-to-day routine, and so beginning this quarter, look for our newest memo: The Academic Update. From data reports and student growth to high-flying student achievement, the Academic Update will give our parents a glimpse of what makes the education at Trinity truly 5-star.
MEQUON, WI 53097