1. All In.

2. Church Vote Approves Key Fundraising Step

3. Another Call To Action

4. EdTalk 2022
All In.

Likely our theme for next school year, All In is a phrase you hear in many different contexts… a poker player who pushes all his chips to the center of the table putting it all on the line, a team ready to give everything for the final play, a rallying cry for any group uniting behind a common cause… a just cause. 

International best-selling author and speaker, Simon Sinek, says a just cause has at least four components: 1) It must be inclusive and inviting, welcoming others to join; 2) It must be about others and service-oriented (not self-serving); 3) It must be idealistic, nearly unattainable, almost like a target always moving a little further away from you forcing constant pursuit; and 4) It is resilient, ready to grow stronger in the midst of the storm.

Families of Trinity, your school is all in when it comes to the just cause of our mission and vision: Being the leader of Christian education in the state of Wisconsin by - and this is the important part - making disciples who make disciples, delivering the highest quality education, maintaining a balanced and diverse student body, and by relentlessly pursuing excellence in the development of our faculty, staff, and support personnel; and by - building a passion for learning and heart for Christ in every student that comes through our doors. Make no mistake, this is a tiresome, exhaustive, and far-reaching goal to achieve. It hasn’t been easy, and it will continue to be challenging. Yet, God hasn’t called us to live a life of ease; in fact, just the opposite. 

If we are prepared to follow Jesus and His calling for our lives, Jesus says, “take up your cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16). This denial of self is a big ask of Jesus, but one that does not end with despair. As one commentary puts it, “The end is not in the cross; the end is life in God’s kingdom,” and, “ live in His kingdom must be our ultimate purpose.” This is our school’s purpose! Our doors are open, our team is inviting, and we will make every inch of our school available and ready for more children to hear the saving message of Jesus. Exciting isn’t it!?

As Christmas approaches, teachers and staff across the globe are reaching a much-anticipated break, and this is certainly true at Trinity. I am so impressed with and honored to work alongside the men and women of this school. From our whole school team, we are thankful for your support, your prayers, and our shared forward-facing vision for this place. The best is yet to come, and we’re ALL IN. From all of us at Trinity, Merry Christmas.

Find out ways you can volunteer and serve at our school by emailing with the subject “volunteer opportunities.”
Partnership With Generis Approved
Congregation takes critical first-step towards expansion.
On Sunday, November 21, 2021, Trinity's voting membership approved a critical next step in our school's journey to expansion. Trinity will now partner with Atlanta-based Generis, a professional advancement firm that helps faith-based organizations maximize giving and develop effective fundraising strategies. Specifically, the outlined partnership with Trinity includes the development of a capital campaign.

Moving forward, Trinity and Generis will begin to strategize, research, and develop a plan to present to our voting members. We'll start with questions such as what are we capable of raising? What is a realistic timeline? And, what are some of the campaign benchmarks and key events along the way? We look forward to updating and involving each of you along the way!
Protecting Religious Childcare Organizations
Proposed social programming legislation threatens faith-based childcare centers.
Childcare centers like Trinity's are at risk under new language from the proposed "Build Back Better Act" (BBBA). While the bill does not preclude parents from choosing faith-based childcare centers, the BBBA folds existing faith-based childcare centers that receive state support into the proposed universal pre-K programs; this linkage to a federal program would trigger forced compliance with existing non-discrimination provisions (several of which go against the values and beliefs of many faith-based organizations). In fact, these provisions are so widespread that one letter sent to Congress was co-signed by Catholic Charities USA, two committees of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Council of Christian Colleges of Universities, the National Association of Evangelicals, the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and the Council of Islamic Schools in North America.

As the letter states, the BBBA language is, "an explicit departure from current policy governing the federal Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), in which faith-based providers participate with religious liberty protections intact, and in which providers are explicitly not recipients of federal financial assistance.”

Our friends at the Council for American Private Education (CAPE) have activated their action portal for member schools and their communities to voice concerns over this bill. Use the link box below to contact your senators to tell them to protect religious schools and childcare centers!
EdTalk 2022
Mark your calendars for the annual school update and informational session!
Each year we take a moment to look at education both nationally and here at home. We offer a detailed glance into the operations of Trinity and talk about the future of education and programming for our school. This "EdTalk" is designed to be both informational and engaging, and offers parents multiple opportunities to ask questions, offer feedback, etc. It is also the foremost opportunity for church members to hear updates on their school. Save the date for Sunday morning, January 30, 2022 for EdTalk 2022 - held in the gym.

3K, 4K, 5K Christmas Program
(5pm - Gym)

Middle School (5th through 8th-grade) Christmas Program
(10:45am - Gym)

12.18 through 1.2
NO SCHOOL - Christmas Break

End of Q2


Spelling Bee
(Time TBD - Sanctuary)

NO SCHOOL - Staff Development

MEQUON, WI 53097