Special Announcement

Trinity: A Brief History Through

The Lens of Racial Justice and Healing

Trinity's Committee for Racial Healing is happy to share our recently released report: Trinity Episcopal Church - A Brief History through the Lens of Racial Justice and Healing. Prompted by the Diocese of Virginia's Ministry for Racial Justice and Healing, as outlined in the preface of the report, our committee's History Team opted to broaden the scope of the report. While fulfilling the diocesan request, we also aimed for a report that is representative of the overall focus and life of our parish. It is not an exhaustive report, but we believe that it provides a largely representative view of our parish priorities, activities, and evolution over our 147-year history, while also describing Trinity's efforts and responses regarding racial justice and healing throughout our history.

In addition to the online version being made available, you may find a bound copy of the report in Trinity's library. (We also note that Trinity's library has a rather extensive collection of books relating to anti-racism and racial healing topics, and we recommend those. There is a wealth of engaging stories and resources available.)

With an introductory letter from Mother Cynthia, the report comprises a preface explaining why the report was undertaken, an introduction explaining the approach to the report, chronological report sections beginning with the origin of Trinity as a parish and ending as of 2023, reflections on the reported history, acknowledgements, end notes, references, and a few appendices. Of course, we recommend reading the entire report, but readers can do so incrementally, without having to read it cover-to-cover. When the report is opened online, the bookmarks on the left panel of the screen allow you to click to navigate directly to a particular section of the report. 

We hope that the report conveys the vibrant and faithful life of Trinity over its long history of commitment to serving Christ. We also hope that it provides fodder for faithfully considering who we are as a parish now and where we go from here.

Committee for Racial Healing

History Team

To view the report,

click here.

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