January 31,2020
What's in the peace plan?
The White House’s 80-page plan calls for the creation of a Palestinian state with a capital in parts of East Jerusalem, ending speculation that the Trump Administration was preparing to depart from a “two state” resolution to the conflict that has long been the bedrock of U.S. policy.

Israeli technology is finding a home in the Canadian health system
Israel is known for its large number of innovative companies, including in the area of medical technology. Several Israeli innovations are in use in Canada, helping people walk, cope with loneliness and aiding physicians diagnose ailments that improve Canadians’ well-being.

Kol hakavod to Senator Marc Gold of Montreal, past chair of the board at JFC-UIA, on being appointed the government representative in the upper chamber. A lawyer, legal scholar and community leader, he was appointed to the Senate in 2016 under the then new merit-based selection process open to all Canadians. Marc represents Quebec, and is a member of the Independent Senators Group.
Extinguishing the hatred that never dies

'Rather than being stunned by the seemingly new-age phenomenon of resurgent anti-Semitism, it is crucial that observers around the world comprehend that we are witnessing an insidious pattern which has always defined Jew-hatred — the so-called “longest hatred” that never ends and unlike too many of its victims this past year, never dies.'

Dutch prime minister apologizes for how government failed its Jews during Holocaust

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte apologized for how his kingdom’s wartime government failed its Jews, a first by a sitting prime minister. Rutte, on Sunday during a Holocaust commemoration, offered “apologies for the government of those days, while the last survivors are still with us.” That government, he said, “failed is in its responsibility as provider of justice and security” for Dutch Jews.

Female cantor sings anthems at Toronto Raptors game
A Toronto hazzanit likely hit “11” on the cool mom-meter when she sang before a crowd of nearly 20,000, which included her three children, at a Toronto Raptors game on December 21st.

What issues do you care most about? What priorities should our community focus on? CIJA is inviting you to share your views through an online grassroots community survey. The feedback received will shape advocacy priorities for 2020.
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