From Fear to Flow
A playshop for any body that loves to move

Have you ever walked out of a dance (or any other physical) experience,

still in the glow, and then ... something happens?   You know what I'm talking about.   All is well.  And then it ain't.

Have you ever used the words ...

anxious, nervous, concerned, worried, unsettled, discombobulated, edgy or just plain grumpy?

Have you found yourself feeling more frightened more often ...

in recent months? 

Would you love to feel as much flow in your choice-making ...
as you do in your dance?

If yes, come play!
Just in time for Hallowe'en ...
a playshop for dancers
and other bodies that love to move
with Aileen Hayden

at The Boulder Circus Center
4747 26th Street

Saturday November 4
1 - 4pm

wise chimp
No experience required.  Come play!
ghost latte
When you feel frightened ...
everything rustles.
Fear shows up far more often than most of us realize - disguised as other emotions, or as thoughts, physical sensations or habits.

Learn to recognize the subtle ways your body expresses fear -- and ways to melt that fear and move back into creative flow.

We'll dive into improvisational dance to get our juices flowing first.   No experience required.  Come play.

Then we'll use that opened energy and body intelligence to explore simple interactive tools that make it easy to:

  • melt your fear by moving your body

  • notice and shift self-limiting stories

  • free up aliveness to choose what you really want

  • and let yourself enjoy it

Based on the work of Gay and Katie Hendricks, authors of  Conscious Loving Conscious Living  and  The Big Leap , and directors of  The Foundation for Conscious Living .
register now!
Mama and girl on motorbike

    • or mail a cheque made out to Aileen Hayden to: 
      2688 Fremont St / Boulder / 80304 (include your email address, and I'll send you a confirmation)
    take 2! (or 3)

    From Fear to Flow is part 2 of a 3-part series

    Oct 7: What the ULP?
    Nov 4: From Fear to Flow
    Dec 2: Speaking from Discovery

    each part stands alone - and also informs the others
    enjoy one - or two - or three

    Hi! I'm Aileen.
    Hi!  I’m Aileen.  

    I’m a dancer, teacher, writer and lover of feeling alive.  

    • I love play, especially physical play and expression with my body. 

    • I love easy, and getting curious about how I choose hard, and how I can easily choose easy again.

    • I love clear communication and expressing in ways that match what I’m actually experiencing inside.

    I’ve been learning for decades from yoga and dance. Then, three years ago, I took a big leap into something more: 100% responsibility for the results I create.  AND willingness for that to be fun and easy.  To play my way through, instead of working hard.

    Wanna come take a big leap with me?

    Reach me at:
        Aileen Hayden  has been teaching improvisational dance since 1993, in Montreal, Philadelphia, and across Saskatchewan.  She holds a B.A. and a B.Ed. (but not while she's dancing) and is a certified  Kripalu  yoga teacher, certified Big Leap coach, drama teacher and spontaneous goofball.  She graduated a year ago from the two-year  Leadership and Transformation program  of The Hendricks Institute.  And she loves to dance!  
    Aileen Hayden / 720-360-8595 /