September 2024

I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way - with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge - God thus confirming our testimony about Christ among you.

1 Corinthians 1:4-6

Dear prayer partners, thank you for constantly standing before our heavenly Father to pray for our MTS global ministry. We appreciate your time reading and praying through these updates for September. We are kneeling together in prayer!

Stephen Kato

MTS Uganda Country Director


  • We thank the Almighty God for enabling us to successfully conduct a Caring for the Vulnerable Child (CVC) conference for 33 TFL parents. This conference greatly blessed these parents as per their testimonies:

“I have been using mean words against my children, especially when they do wrong or if they ask anything. Through this conference, I have learned to help my children even when my husband is in prison. I have been verbally abusing my children for performing poorly at school by telling them that they are stupid, but this training has marked the end of that. From day to day, I will encourage and be patient with them. I have been harsh on my children, and whenever they annoy me, I slap them. One day, I slapped my child, and her eyes turned red. But now I have learned discipline, and it is not good to discipline a child when I’m angry.”

  • A group of 14 master trainers completed the CVC training. We also conduct By His Wounds (BHW) training with TFL staff. We meet every Monday for one hour.


  • Pray for Kayanja’s follow-up visit, that God uses the team of master trainers, and that the participants turn up in big numbers.

  • Pray for Kyaka II CVC training for master trainers and that God prepares us and the participants.

  • Pray for the team translating the CVC textbooks that God’s guidance is felt in every word and that He gives them a good life.

  • Pray for the healing groups that God continues to extend healing to the participants.

  • Pray for our families that God protects us and gives us good health.

David Mudeya

MTS Beni Regional Office


  • We praise God for his care for us. One week ago, I had a safe journey from Kampala.

  • We thank God for the ministries accomplished this August, among which was a follow-up training in Nobili and CVC preparatory training of church Sunday school teachers on August 8-12.

  • Last Thursday, we had a trauma healing sharing with couples in one Church in Bulongo.


  • Please pray for our monthly radio outreach program and related trips.

  • Pray for the BHW intensive training at Kantine on September 16-20.

  • Pray for some follow-up of healing groups in the Ruwenzori.

Jean-Pasteur Katavo & Daphrose Muteho

Director of Africa translations and emerging leader development


  • The whole family joins me to tell you, our dear prayer partners, how much they appreciate you for your friendship, your love, and your support. The above family photo was taken on the occasion of Finney and Ange's wedding on August 29, 2024. From left to right: Katavo Jean-Pasteur, Daphrose Muteho, Masika Miriam, Finney Musumba, Ange Malonga, Christian Kasomo, Elishama Musumba, Steve Musumba, Joséphine Muteho, and Celestia Muteho. You are so dear to us. Blessings always to you. 

  • We praise the Lord for Finney and Ange's wedding. Finney is one of the MTS emerging young leaders at the University (Africa International University, Nairobi). Finney is preparing for a tent-making mission. Both Finney and Ange will be working hard as sewers to earn their living.

  • The War in the East part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has now seen a significant 2-month-long cease-fire. Praise the Lord and pray that it lasts.

  • Throughout September, we will lead a Comfort Gospel Crusade in 10 townships at the heart of the Triangle of Death in Beni district, DRC. The target is 200,000 people who will be given the best start possible on their healing journey. 22,000 are expected to come to the Lord. Your prayer support is much appreciated.

Kavusa Mutsopi Albert



  • I thank God for protecting me during this period of insecurity in this area. Since the start of this ADF situation, we have spent the night in the hospital, and the security situation is improving daily.

  • There are six armed groups (militias) in this area. May God give us peace for the stabilization of the population. Patients have not been able to pay for their treatment these past three months, June, July, and August, because they do not go to their fields, fearing the ADF; therefore, the staff work voluntarily. Many providers are discouraged, which negatively impacts the care of patients.

  • Some militiamen are threatening some of our providers. Our director doctor was a victim; he had already left this area.

  • We want to experience a climate of understanding and unity within the medical profession so that everyone contributes their expertise to the care of our patients.

  • May God bless you also for taking the time to pray for us.

Debbie Taylor

RESPLENDA: An abuse ministry using MTS in Spanish-speaking communities


  • I am in Costa Rica visiting friends after a week of ministry in Nicaragua with Magdalena Sanchez. We led two seminars, I preached, and she was interviewed on the radio. We were amazed at the receptivity of the Nicaraguans, especially the men sharing their stories and expressing emotions. The soil was tilled by a woman, Claudia Mendoza, from Christ for the Cities. She has taken Mending the Soul (MTS) and facilitated. Last year, we led a group of 10 female pastors from Chinandega in a group together. We met with them for lunch and sharing, and they want to retake MTS and train to be facilitators. We are also brainstorming about models for them to start groups in their churches. The radio station loved Magda's interview and is open to airing podcasts and more MTS information, and my sermon on lament was well received. Many have signed up to take our next MTS session.

  • Then, after an amazing time of ministry, on Monday, 1500 NGOs were closed by the government, including two of the three churches where we held our seminars and I preached. About 500 of them were churches and Christian organizations. This situation is disturbing for Nicaraguans, and we wonder if we will be able to return next year. Let us pray for this situation.

  • Please pray for signups and readiness to start another MTS course on Sept. 6th. We need more male facilitators.

  • Pray for follow-up with Nicaragua, which includes preparing chapter videos and training and planning a return trip next year to train and inaugurate their in-person ministry. Of course, we do not know if we will even be able to come, so this may be virtual, or we may find a site somewhere else. This also means Fundraising.

  • Please pray for Fundraising.

  • Please pray for the translation of the 2nd edition of Mending the Soul by Carmen and Magdalena into Spanish.

Mark and Alyssa Dunker

Nairobi, Africa International University (AIU)


  • Sifa and I went to Kinshasa the first week of August and trained about 35 people over four days. These individuals are all leaders with ReachGlobal-affiliated ministries, including organizations with over 200 centers helping vulnerable young men and women, a child sponsorship ministry, and church planters. Sifa will continue coaching these leaders as they seek to implement how to make By His Wounds part of their ministries.

  • The opportunities in Kinshasa seem innumerable. Our key contacts have deep and broad connections throughout the city and country. Sifa, Shadrack, and I are meeting this Friday to discuss the next steps for the Kinshasa work and Africa International University (AIU).

  • Students are returning to class next week. We are finishing up our MTS groups from last semester and will be planning for this coming semester.

  • Pray for new facilitators to commit to the AIU ministry. We don’t have a date, but we will need to do our next day-long training in September.

  • We also had two weddings this past week. Nehemia Baraka Kakule attended the Beni training. He just married Joy in Beni, and they are returning to Nairobi. Finney married Ange in Goma. Our next MTS meeting will have a lot to celebrate.

  • Also, thank you to those who have prayed for my health. I am traveling to the Mayo Clinic next week.

Titus & Stephanie Folden

MTS Regional Coordinator for Latin America and Europe


  • Sheree Wuertz, Oscar, and Consuelo Mora continue to teach Explore to 31 child and family services workers in Ecuador.

  • The Caring for the Vulnerable Child Spanish translation project is nearly complete, thanks to Rachel Allen's work, and will soon move into the design phase.

  • Please pray for our family as we prepare to return to Spain after two months in the USA.

Moise Mawa

Butembo, Lubero, Bashu Regional Office


  • We praise the Lord Jesus for His protection. He answers our prayers. May His Holy Name be exalted forever.

  • We praise the Lord for the MTS support.

  • Please pray for the return of peace to the DRC.

  • Please pray for MTS Butembo and its local partners.

  • Pray for the health of the families of MTS Butembo facilitators.



For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

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