CLEAN Educator Newsflash

September 11, 2023

Hello Anne,

We are officially back to school! This month, we wanted to share some of the most popular resources from the CLEAN Collection so you can use them in your classroom. Here, CLEAN shares educators' top picks to incorporate in the classroom this past year, from debating energy discovering global wind & weather patterns!

Most Popular Lesson Plans

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CLEAN Resource Feature: Activity

Activity: Great Energy Debate

Audience: Middle, High School

This is a debate-style learning activity in which student teams learn about energy sources and are then assigned to represent the different energy sources. Working cooperatively, students develop arguments on the pros and cons of their source over the others.

Activity takes two to three 45-minute class periods.

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CLEAN Resource Feature: Animation

Animation: Earth: An animated map of global wind and weather

Audience: Middle School through College

This animation depicts real-time wind speed and direction at selected heights above Earth's surface, ocean surface currents, and ocean surface temperatures and anomalies.

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CIRES Education & Outreach #Back2School Campaign

We are officially back to school! Tune into CIRES Education & Outreach's #Back2School Campaign! Still looking for resources for your classroom? Go to CIRES E&O's resource page to discover engaging curriculum and lessons that dive into science topics, community, and authentic research.


Follow CIRES Education & Outreach to learn more:

Twitter: @CIRESeo

Facebook: @CIRESEducationOutreach

Instagram: @ciresoutreach


Or view the #Back2School resources here!

Other CLEAN Resources
Accurate education about climate and energy topics has never been more important, and it can be challenging to locate reliable, vetted educational materials to use in your classroom. 
Explore the CLEAN collection of climate & energy learning resources
CLEAN supports teaching and learning about climate and energy with 850+ free peer-reviewed, scientifically accurate, and classroom-ready resources.
Browse the CLEAN collection by NGSS topics
CLEAN supports teaching and learning about climate and energy with 850+ free peer-reviewed, scientifically accurate, and classroom-ready resources.
Check out the CLEAN STEM Flash Library of past issues
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CLEAN is funded by grants from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NA12OAR4310143, NA12OAR4310142), the National Science Foundation (DUE-0938051, DUE-0938020, DUE-0937941) and the Department of Energy.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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