"Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others"
What's up, Friend! Welcome to the first newsletter of May. In this newsletter, we will be introducing a new staff member, sharing information about our programs, celebrating the graduation of our fifth cohort, and more!
Supporting Healthy Black Agriculture Initiative (SHBA)
Everyone romaine calm! Our Supporting Healthy Black Agriculture Workgroup is about to start!

Our volunteers have spent 30 hours weeding, mulching, and composting in preparation.

Thanks to your dedication we can continue fostering transformational education and trauma recovery for Black children and families through agriculture utilizing a hip-hop framework.

We would like to thank the professors at Edgewood College for donating garden tools, Bonnie for donating $150 in Home Depot gift cards, and MG&E for the amazing donation of $10,000. Our work would not be possible without your consistent enthusiasm and support.

Donate, volunteer and share our sign-up information for our SHBA workgroup. We still have room for 5 families. Adult participants receive a $50/week stipend, and children receive a $25/week stipend!

If you or anyone you know is looking for a unique and rewarding way to spend the summer with children, grandchildren, foster children, or someone you mentor, please sign up below and share the love!
Supporting Healthy Black Families'
Homeless Outreach Initiative
Our Homeless Outreach Specialists engaged over 100 people--providing with essential bags and meals. They also performed assessments for 35 individuals in the month of April.

Midvale Lutheran Church stepped in to assist us and donated $2,000 in gas cards. Donations like these are what make our work possible. We are now able to give gas cards to people that are living in their cars in the Madison area.

If you are interested in supporting the most vulnerable members of our community, click one of the links below.
Supporting Healthy Black Families' Workgroup
On Saturday we graduated our 5th cohort of Supporting Healthy Black Families' Workgroup.

We could not be more ecstatic about the impact of the transformation that was experienced by participants.

To quote Nelson Mandela, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" We believe that the members of our fifth cohort have exemplified this statement.

"This workgroup has changed my life, the way I think, and the way that I act. I have learned more about myself within this cohort than I have in a long time, and for that, I am immensely grateful."-Fifth Cohort Member

Our 6th cohort of Supporting Healthy Black Families starts on May 18th. It is more than just a workgroup, it's community, it's healing, it's transformative.

Are you ready for healing? Are you ready for transformational growth? Click the link below and join the movement!

Dane County Collaboration of Black Service Providers (DCCBSP) Rental Support
We are in a housing crisis, and this crisis is disproportionately affecting the most marginalized groups in our community.

When Urban Triage notices a problem within the most vulnerable communities, we jump right in and get to work. Over the last 7 weeks, we've supported more than 80 families in partnership with DCCBSP with rental assistance, advocacy, and other housing stability support.

Please click the links below for locations and times (in-person and virtual options are available). Please share the information within your network. Click the links below for more information.
Co-Conspirators Workgroup
To exist in America as a white person is to be the recipient of policy-driven privilege, and with privilege comes power. Institutions have been shaped for hundreds of years to promote white power. This power is evident in finance, in industry, in education, in culture, and it shows up in all things, everywhere. 

"I used to be on the lookout for white supremacy within systems; now I am recognizing white supremacy within myself. Exploring rackets and clearing them is life-changing. I love this class. I've taken other racial justice and diversity training but none is quite like this. Saying it's been transformative is an understatement." Co-Conspirator Cohort, 2 Participant

Our Co-Conspirator workgroup is designed to guide non-Black people in unpacking white supremacy racism. You'll learn how to work towards equity and learn to undo racism in your mind, your personal environment, and the wider world. 

If you desire to be the change you wish to see in the world, click below to join us.

Let’s stand up, combine forces, and fight for change; together. Our next cohort starts June 2nd! Join us. Join the movement for Black lives.
We Provided Over 525 Delivered Meals in April to Families via Cook It Forward Partnership! Shout Out to All Our Partners!
Please give a warm welcome to the newest member of the Urban Triage Squad, Sharmecia!

Sharmecia is our Case Manager Lead and has lived in Madison for 30 years. She comes from a background in Human Services. Sharmecia is excited to give back and serve her community by case managing for the clients of our Homeless Outreach Initiative.

Head to our site to check out Sharmecia's bio!
Canvas flyers or give to friends and family to spread the word about our work!