3 Photos of a friend and ally of ABLE2, ABLE2 logo in white and text under it saying "moments"

ABLE2 Moments July 2024

Happy Disability Pride Month!

Photo of ABLE2 staff, volunteer and program users smiling at the ABLE2 picnic

Disability Pride Month is a time to recognize and honour the contributions of people with disabilities in Canada! And while we have made significant progress in ensuring individuals with disabilities are visible in the community, we must reflect on how we can shift from visibility into full inclusion and integration.

"...visibility alone does not guarantee true inclusion. It is about providing equal opportunities for people with disabilities to participate, contribute, and thrive in their communities."

Read more on the insights on inclusion and belonging from ABLE2's Executive Director Heather Lacey, in her blog entry here.

ABLE2 Champion Jim Kyte appointed to the Order of Canada

Jim Kyte photographed with ABLE2 Match Trina & Fran at Evening in the Maritimes 2023  

📸 Jim Kyte photographed with ABLE2 Match Trina & Fran at Evening in the Maritimes 2023

We are thrilled to share that ABLE2 Champion, Jim Kyte, has been appointed to the Order of Canada!

His unwavering commitment to accessibility and inclusion in sports, along with his advocacy for people with disabilities, has left an indelible mark in the community! Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition, Jim!

Read more about Jim Kyte's appointment to the Order of Canada in this article by the Ottawa Citizen.

David Blenkin, ABLE2's first volunteer, awarded by Y's Men International

Photo of Dennis Blenkin and his Golden Book Tribute, with ABLE2 Executive Director Heather Lacey, Cathy Hall, and ABLE2 Founder David Hall

📸 Dennis Blenkin (second from left) and his Golden Book Tribute, with ABLE2 Executive Director Heather Lacey (on the left), Cathy Hall, and ABLE2 Founder David Hall) 

Last May, Dennis was recognized for the positive impact he has made in the Y’s Men International communities. He received a Golden Book Tribute, which is a record for posterity of the “Golden Deeds” of Y’s Men. The Golden Book is housed in Geneva, Switzerland. Congratulations Dennis! 

Read more about Dennis Blenkin's contributions as a Matching Program volunteer here.

Volunteer Corner

We are thrilled by the overwhelming response for ABLE2's Annual Picnic, as we are at maximum capacity! Registration is now closed. Thank you for your eagerness and we can't wait to see you at Andrew Haydon Park on August 17th!

We are still seeking volunteers for various roles at the Annual Picnic! If you are interested in sharing your time and engaging in the community, please sign up below!

Sign Up to Volunteer for the Annual Picnic

In the community

Image of a male wheelchair user taking a photo of nature on a trail. Text displayed: Accessible Summer Escapes, explore these barrier-free outdoor destinations near Ottawa! with ABLE2 50th Anniversary logo

What is on your ultimate summer checklist? Making smores by a campfire? A trip to the beach? Or simply enjoying nature exploring trails? Whether you’re on team camp or team beach, you can have a FUN-tastic summer at any of the barrier-free outdoor campsites, beaches and trails near Ottawa! 

Check out our blog entry here.

Text displayed: The Canadian Dental Care Plan is a new dental benefit for uninsured Canadians who have a family net income of less than $90,000. Image of a father and young child brushing their teeth in front of a mirror

Canada Dental Benefit is open for applications to seniors and people with disabilities!

Apply here.

Other Community Resources

Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities - City of Ottawa

Whimble - On-demand personal care attendant services

Connected Canadians - Technology training and support for older adults

OC Transpo Travel Training Program

Your support matters

Photo of a woman in a wheelchair enjoying summer refreshments at the ABLE2 picnic in a park

Most people with disabilities in your community rely on disability funding supports, and with the increasing living costs, we strive to host events at a minimal cost to them. This means ABLE2 absorbs a significant portion of the total costs. 

This is where you, a community partner can make a direct positive impact. By making a donation towards the Annual Picnic, you support the economically vulnerable people with disabilities, so they can attend and enjoy the event, without foregoing any essentials.

Will you make this summer a memorable one for people with disabilities in the community? A donation of $20 will go a long way to helping ABLE2 with the cost of the picnic.

Make a donation for the Annual Summer Picnic today

Join our Team!

Graphic of ABLE2 job posting. Text displayed: Join our team! We are seeking a Planning Facilitator APSW Investment Bilingual French and English. ABLE2 logo on the top, on a light blue and white gradient background

We are seeking a Planning Facilitator for the Adult Protective Services Worker (APSW) Investment - Bilingual French/English.

The successful candidate will work collaboratively with adults with developmental disabilities to develop plans to help the service users work toward independent living.

View the full job description and send an application here.

Thank you to our supporters!

Lumentum logo
Government of Canada logo with text displayed: Funded by the Government of Canada's Community Services Recovery Fund
Text displayed: Community Services Recovery Fund with logos of the Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, and United Way Centraide Canada

Princess Warrior Charitable Fund – Ottawa Community Foundation

Harry E. Foster Charitable Foundation

Do you have any concerns or questions about ABLE2's programs or services?

We have an external feedback and concerns resolution policy and procedure in place.

Get in touch with us
ABLE 2 Celebrating 50 Years Logo

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