May 10, 2024


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The Chinese are coming! The Chinese are coming!

For the past year, I've argued that China is now driving the global energy transition. Why?

Because 25 years China made a smart bet on the future of energy. Like all bets, it was nowhere near being a sure thing. Wind turbines were viable but still needed policy support. Solar was a twinkle in some engineer's eye. GM was busy killing the electric car. And Lithium-ion batteries were only a decade old.

To a greater or lesser degree, we know those stories. Less well known is how China developed, then scaled-up to a massive size, its clean energy technology manufacturing and the necessary supply chains.

Industrial policy, sure, but what was the strategy? Which policy levers were pulled by which level of government? Who were the key personalities behind the strategies and policies?

And, perhaps most importantly, what is China's plan going forward? You can bet the West wants to know.

Stellantis (Dodge, Jeep) CEO Carlos Tavares publicly muses about the death of legacy automakers at the hands of China's EV manufacturers. This week, US President Joe Biden signalled how worried the world's largest economy is by slapping a 100% tariff on made-in-China EVs. Not to mention 25% to 50% tariffs on a variety of other clean energy products.

Clean energy industrial policy has been a key focus of Energi Media's journalism over the past two years. So, trust me when I say this: Canada is woefully unprepared.

Watch our website, YouTube channel, and Energi Talks podcast as we explore just how unprepared.

In the midst of blinkered executives, academics, policymakers, and a legacy news media captured by foreign owners who trumpet the slow energy transition nonsense from the rooftops, someone has to present an evidence-based argument for a very fast transition.

That's us. Hope you'll join us on the journey.




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Biden detonates A-bomb in clean energy arms race with China

President Joe Biden today erected a very large fence around American clean energy manufacturing. Tariffs on imports from China now range from 25 per cent on steel to 100 per cent on electric vehicles.



   0:01 / 2:07   Is oil company willing to negotiate with First Nation?

Is oil company willing to negotiate with First Nation?

Energi Media special reporter Susan V Thompson interviews Chief Isaac Laboucan-Avirom of the Woodland Cree First Nation about its dispute with Obsidian Energy.


What is Energi Talks?

Journalist Markham Hislop interviews leading energy experts from around the world about the energy transition and climate change.

Low-carbon fuels to power medium, heavy-duty trucks

Markham interviews Hongyu Xiao of Pembina Institute about Fuelling the Transition: Low-carbon fuel choices for road freight.


Alberta oil sands production forecast rising, says new report

Markham interviews Kevin Birn, VP, Canadian Oil Markets Chief Analyst and Head of Center for Emissions Excellence for S&P Global. His team recently released its annual 10-year Production Outlook for the Canadian Oil Sands.


Virtual power plant project will unlock billions of savings for consumers

Markham interviews Renew Home CEO Ben Brown about the launch of North America’s largest residential virtual power plant.



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News: Tensions escalating between Woodland Cree First Nation, Obsidian Energy

Negotiations between the Woodland Cree First Nation (WCFN) and Obsidian Energy have once again broken down. 

Chief Isaac Laboucan-Avirom, WCFN council, and their lawyer walked away from a meeting with Obsidian CEO Stephan Loukas in Peace River on May 13 and returned to their traditional camp on an Obsidian oil lease road, despite a court injunction. 


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NEWS: ‘Last Stand’: Fort Nelson, B.C. faces extreme wildfire despite season’s slower start

While Canadian forest management officials reported a slower, less dramatic start to this year’s wildfire season, responders in the town of Fort Nelson, British Columbia were preparing for a “last stand” against a blaze that more than doubled on size on Sunday and was just 1½ kilometres from the edge of town at last report.


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NEWS: Decarbonization running ‘faster and deeper’ than expected, transition: Expert

Decarbonization is running “faster and cheaper” than some of its earliest proponents ever imagined it would, and Canada should be able to manage the resulting business risks it faces by diversifying its economy, one of the world’s leading energy transition specialists told the Globe and Mail in an interview published Monday.



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