Important Information

and News from

Madrone Trail Public Charter School

October 27, 2023

Upcoming Events

October 30

No School- Grades Day

October 31

Halloween Parade, 1:30 pm

November 3

Friday Assembly- 2nd grade

November 4

Daisy Blossom Kindergarten Parent Morning, 10:30-12:00 pm

November 6

Parent Council, 6 pm, Bella Union

November 8

Board Meeting, 4:30 pm

November 9

Lantern Walk, 1st-3rd grade, 5:30-6:45 pm

November 10

No School- Veteran's Day Observed

Watercolor painting by Amelia Wood, 3rd grade

From the Director

Dear Madrone Family,

I have never been opposed to work, in fact, I actually enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from a task well done. I believe that this work ethic comes from the expectations placed on me by my parents. My sister and I always had our assigned chores to complete. Naturally these chores grew in complexity as we became older, but the expectation that we contribute to the greater household need was ever present. My first major chore was mowing the lawn. I remember the first time I mowed the lawn, I couldn’t start the mower by myself. I could barely lift the bag of clippings but I did it nonetheless. When I was eleven years old, we relocated to a small town about an hour north of Santa Barbara, California. We had just over two acres, but no lawn. So I planted one. I started with a long 2x12, tied a rope to each end, put cinder blocks on top, and used it to level the ground by dragging it back and forth. I did this for the better part of a week until I was satisfied with the results. I then talked to a local turkey farmer to see if he would donate fertilizer, which he was more than happy to do. After seeding and fertilizing, I set a couple of sprinklers and waited for my lawn to grow. Ten years later, that lawn was as lush as when it first sprouted. The satisfaction of that experience taught me that hard work pays off, and the rest is history. 


According to Peter Nitze, a graduate of the Rudolf Steiner School of New York City, Harvard and Stanford, and successful engineer, "If you've had the experience of binding a book, knitting a sock, playing a recorder, then you feel that you can build a rocket ship—or learn a software program you've never touched. It's not bravado, just a quiet confidence. There is nothing you can't do. Why couldn't you? Why couldn't anybody?"


It is the goal of a Waldorf teacher to cultivate a sense of wonder and to inspire children to view the world, even in its most basic form, as magnificent—prompting each student to embrace life with enthusiasm, initiative, and purpose. These aims are met through an education that is rich with meaningful sense experiences, classical academics, and artistic beauty in all subject matters.


Rudolf Steiner once wrote, “The heart of the Waldorf method is the conviction that education is an art - it must speak to the child’s experience. To educate the whole child, the heart and will must be reached as well as the mind.”


We know that education is more than the acquisition of information, rigid academic curricula, and high stakes testing. In fact, the world is changing so rapidly that no one can really predict what information our children will need to know in the future. However, it is clear that intellectual flexibility, creative thinking, independent judgment, moral discernment, refined written and oral communication skills, and the ability to collaborate effectively will be essential to success in today’s ever changing, global community. The Waldorf curriculum, pedagogy, and teaching methods are designed to nurture these capacities and more. (AWSNA)


The expectations we place on our children must be developmentally appropriate, or we will overburden them. When we overburden our children, they see work as an insurmountable obstacle and they give up before they even try. We build confidence and a sense of purpose and wonder when we challenge our children with tasks they can accomplish by using their unique ingenuity and problem solving skills.

Have a wonderful long weekend,

~Kendall Roberts


Stewardship Day Update

We had a successful Stewardship Day! We got many things accomplished including; spreading new bark chips in the playground, picnic tables repaired, clean-up of the field area, costume closet organized, trees and bulbs planted, and more. Thank you to the following people who attended and helped out: Kathy Paglia, Hannah Graham, the Goldey family, Andrew Hale, Steve Percy, the Gerig family, the Deardorff family, the Musselwhite family, Kendra Pistole-Rivers, the Costa family (with a stray Royer), Mr. Barbee, Mr. Joe and Emilia, Mr. Tryllium, Mr. Sergio, Mrs. Richardson and the 8th grade childcare helpers: Tian, Nusa, and Isaac.

Jog-a-thon Update

We have had a little over $12,800 in pledges turned in so far! We have collected around $2,300 of those pledges as of today. All forms that were turned in last week and early this week have been returned for collection. If you haven't turned your pledge sheet in it's not too late! Get it to Ms. Cori or your child's class teacher next week. We have extra blank copies in the office and on our website if you need a new one.

Bulb Sale this Saturday

The 8th grade will have a table at Shooting Star Nursery this Saturday, October 28, from 11-2 pm to sell fall planting bulbs. They will not be doing any pre-orders, they have already arrived and they have a limited supply, so get yours now! Next week, if there are any left, the 8th grade will be selling them before and after school. Here are the varieties available:

From the Athletic Director

Boys’ Basketball


Boys’ Basketball had their first practice yesterday. Coach Tim reported all the boys showed great effort, energy, and work ethic.


Practices are moving to Madrone Trail on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays starting next week from 3:30-5:00 pm. There will be practice at Madrone Trail on Monday, October 30 at the regular time even though there is no school that day.


Fridays will remain at Sacred Heart 4:30-6:00 pm.


Note: While practicing at Madrone is more convenient, it also presents some challenges. The gym will need to be cleared out and set back up correctly every practice day. Parents, please help with the set up process at pickup at 5pm.


Cooking Club


Calling all future chefs! Or maybe just some hungry kids who want to cook some food and eat it afterCooking Club with Chef Jen starts Thursday, November 2nd after school in our kitchen. Registration forms have gone home with interested 6th-8th graders. Deadline to register is October 31st. Note: Physicals are not needed to participate in clubs.


Who: 6th-8th graders


When: Tuesdays and Thursdays


Time: 3:30-4:30 pm


Cost: $75


Start date: Thursday, November 2nd


End Date: Thursday, December 14th


Girls’ Basketball Opportunity

The Sacred Heart Girls’ Basketball coach is starting open gyms now through early December at Sacred Heart on Wednesdays to help get ready for the Girls’ Basketball season that starts in January. If the boys have a home game on Wednesday, open gym will move to Sunday that week.


Who: 6th-8th grade girls interested in basketball


Days: Wednesdays (Some Sundays, will be announced)


Time: 2:15-4:00 pm


Location: Sacred Heart gym


Note: Registration is not needed to join the open gyms, but if your daughter is planning on playing the Girls’ Basketball season and does not have a sport physical on file they will need to have that by January.


Sport Physical day: We will be having $20 sport physicals done at Madrone Trail November 5th from 2-4 pm for Girls’ Basketball players that need a sport physical. I highly suggest that 6th-8th grade students interested in track that need a sport physical get it done on this day as well. It will be the last Sport Physical day at Madrone this school year. Sign up on the link below to schedule your time.


Note: Sport Physicals are good for 2 years. They do cover your freshman year if you are an 8th grader who got one done this year. 

Go Dragons!

~Jeff Roberson

Athletic Director

Sport Physical Day Sign-Up
Athletics/Club Participation Form

Crafting Circle

Hello Aspiring Crafty Parents,

Our Crafting Circle is up and running. We have settled on every 1st and 3rd Friday and our next crafting circle will be November 3rd 3:30-5:00 pm. This is a children friendly event. We ask that your child be working on their own project or they may be playing at the playground or respectfully in the classroom where the circle is held. 

Please sign-up below to receive emails on upcoming circles.

Please RSVP if you can make our group with!

Can't wait to see everyone!

Megan Shaw

Crafting Circle Sign-Up

8th grade BottleDrop Fundraiser Update

On behalf of our 8th grade class I want to extend our deepest gratitude to those that have contributed. We had a slow start to begin, with about 3-4 bags of donated bottles every couple of weeks but we’ve now easily tripled that amount within one week!

We have a humble goal of $600 to reach by the end of the school year, and with your continued support I feel confident that we will reach and, quite possibly, exceed this.

Our current amount raised thus far: $219

How much more before reaching our goal: $381

With Humble Gratitude,

Sarah Bevers & the 8th Grade class

The Importance of Warmth

Now that the weather is starting to turn, we ask that during these cold months to come that children are sent to school with adequate layers to protect them from all the types of weather we see in the Rogue Valley. We are outside for recess and games class rain or shine. We often hear children say "but I'm not cold" when asked to wear long sleeves and jackets at recess. Also, shorts are not appropriate in below freezing weather. Please help us out and insist your child wear warm layers, even if they disagree. Thanks!

The article below was written by Jessica Porto, from the Waldorf School of Bend's website:

During early childhood, children grow faster than at any other time in their lives. Parents often feel as though they need to buy the next size of clothes and shoes every few months! During this time, a child's body not only grows bigger and stronger, but their organs are fine tuning their development and functioning. The same kinds of forces which make this growth and development possible are also the ones children need to keep their body's temperature at homeostasis. Young children also lose heat faster than adults, especially through the tops of their heads, and can become chilled quickly if they are not wearing enough clothing and a hat during the colder months. When children are not dressed adequately, the forces for growing and learning are compromised and instead are used to keep them warm. Young children often cannot tell whether they are too cold or too hot, and need loving adults to ensure their body temperature is at a healthy level. Wearing layers of breathable natural fiber clothing inside and waterproof, warm gear for outside play is the best way for a child to maintain their warmth.

Madrone Trail T-shirts Update

No really, we'll get them next week! We received a production update email yesterday, and fingers crossed they will actually come soon. There was an unforeseen delay in shipping, but all the correct sizes and colors are there now waiting to be printed on.

If you have any questions please contact Ms. Cori,

Substitute Teachers and Assistants Wanted

We are always looking for more Substitute Teachers and Substitute Assistants to be on call throughout the year. If you are interested, please check out our Indeed ads here: SubstituteTeacher and Substitute Teacher Assistant

Workshop Offering

Former Madrone Trail parent, Satya Beneventi, is hosting a live workshop on Saturday, November 4th, 9:30am-12:30pm. The cost of the workshop is $147. Click on the image for more information.

Quote of the Day

Handlettered by Ms. Cori


Madrone Trail Public Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or age in its programs and activities.