Christ United Methodist Church

"Friday Reminder"

December 9, 2022

New Items

Starting Monday Nov. 28, 2022 temporary office hours:

Monday - Friday 9am to 1pm

unless other arrangements are made.

Santa Breakfast Is Back!!

Saturday, December 10th from 8am to 10:30am

Pay at the door.

  • $3 for adults,
  • $2 for children under 12 (2 and under are free)
  • max of $8 per family

We NEED your help!!!

The Collage Concert Dinner for the Performers

The performers work hard for both shows. They are looking some help to provide dinner for them. Please click the link for the sign up below.

Sign Up for Collage Concert Dinner

We could use some help with the clean up after dinner. Please consider helping.

Preschool Director Darlene Adams

Preschool Express Registration for 2023-2024

Families of CUMC are invited to register for a placement in one of our 2023-2024 classes. We offer classes for 2 years old, 3 years old, and Pre-Kindergarten.

Registration Letter

Registration Application

A big thank you to all those who took tags from the Giving Tree. All the tags and Sign ups have been filled. THANK YOU!

If you took the following tags, OP 10g, OP 10 i, or OP 11 i, please contact Nancy Albacker at This information can be found on the bottom of the tag, right above when to return the gifts.

Please return all gifts on Sunday morning, December 11th in the lobby. Look for Nancy Albacker and Sharon Moran, who will be collecting them.

Together we are making Christmas brighter for all these children. Thanks!


The Finance Committee would like to remind everyone that any financial donations to our

church must be received in the church office by Noon on Friday December 30th in order for

those donations to be recorded as received in 2022. This is especially important for those who

itemize charitable deductions for tax purposes. Any donations received by the church after

Noon on Friday will be recorded as received in 2023 regardless of what is written on the check

or envelope. For those who use our electronic giving option, you must initiate the funds

transfer with Vanco no later than Tuesday December 27th to insure it is processed in 2022. We

appreciate your co-operation in this matter and thank you for your financial support of our

church and its ministries.

Thanking Our Staff and Pastors at Christmas

It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. Every year, our custom here at Christ UMC is to collect monetary donations to show appreciation to our pastors and staff members for all they do for us throughout the year. Of course, though many of our congregation contribute generously toward these gifts, all donations are entirely voluntary.

click here for more information

Upcoming Events

Deborah Circle

Monday, December 12, 2022 at 11:30 a.m.

We will be meeting at Ralph’s Corner Diner at 2333 W. Main Street, Lansdale, for our Christmas luncheon. The diner is located in the Kohl’s shopping center near the Ross store. A sign-up sheet is available on the kiosk in the Narthex at church. Please sign up by December 9th so that we can give a count to the diner. Sign Up online

Any questions or for directions, please contact Jean Davis at 215-393- 4649 or Gail Scott at 215-368-0476. See you on the 12th! Bring a friend!

Blue Christmas Service

Tuesday, December 20th, 2022 @ 7:00 PM

In Person or Streamed online

click here for more information

12/10 Santa Breakfast

12/11 Sunday Worship, Collage Concert

12/12 Staff meeting, Advent Book Study, Deborah Circle (Ralph's Corner Diner),

12/13 Men's Reading Group, Kaleidoscope Group, Gloria Dei Ringers, Jazz Rehearsal

12/14 Men's Breakfast Group, Various Musical Group Rehearsal, Endowment Meeting

12/16 Laudate Ringers

*Note: All events are subject to change.

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Fellowship and More

Mission Update: Water Project

The Youtube link shows a thank you video from the Water Project for the well that we built in Kenya from our MOTM.

Favorite Hymns

Do you have a favorite hymn for advent or "regular" hymn you love? Click the link below to fill out an online form. Click the picture to print the form out.

Online Form for favorite hymn.

Now available 2022 Advent Devotional. Pick one up in the Lobby on Sunday for download a copy to read.

Click here.

Service Work and Needs

Are you interested in getting involved? Below are areas where volunteers are needed. 

Refreshment Snacks: we are looking for sweet pre-packaged snacks

Acolytes *New*

Liturgists,& Lay Reader, Christ Kids VolunteerUsher,  A/V Team, 2nd Adult for Youth Group,

If you have any questions about any volunteer area, please contact the office at or call 215-855-1643.

Click here to see our full Volunteer Lists.

We have found a new Home...


Make Our Members Smile, Members on the Move, Christ Kids Registration for 2022-2023, Grocery Gift Cards, Prayer partners 

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Sunday Worship Information

Christ's Kids and Youth Ministries Registration Form for Christ UMC (2022-2023)

All children (birth-sixth grade) and Youth (7th grade to 12 grade) participating in activities at CUMC must complete a registration form annually. This form can be used for any of our ministry activities including Sunday school, choirs, and children's worship. Your information will be shared confidentially with each of your child's teachers at CUMC so that you don't need to fill out the same information multiple times. 

Please complete one registration form for each child in your family.

Christ Kids Registration or Youth Registration

Are you curious about our Sunday night worship service? When the weather permits, our evening service is held outside, in the church parking lot-we move inside if it rains.

Last Evening Worship will be Sunday11/20 for 2022. We will start again in the spring.

The evening worship time starts at 4:15pm.

We meet at 6 PM-bring a chair and, for hot summer nights, a hat and a bottle of water.

You can view previous weeks' services at this link:

We'd love to see you on Sunday evening!

Sunday School

  • Adult Classes
  • Reichley Fellowship Class - Meeting in person in Reichley Room (room 123)
  • The Bible Study - led by Ken Willey will be hybrid class. In person meets in Room 107 Rose Garden Room Fellowship Hall.
  • The Open Forum - led by Judi Plummer will be a hybrid class. In person meets in room 108 Rose Garden Room Fellowship Hall. 
  • Christ Kids 
  • Pre-K - Kindergarten - led by Pat Shuey Room 131 Preschool Hallway
  • 1st to 2nd grade - led by Kim Harrison Room 128 Preschool Hallway
  • 3rd to 4th grade - led by Sherry Harris Room 127 Preschool Hallway
  • 5th to 6th grade - led by Tim Weir and Sean Weatherwax Room 104/102 Fellowship Hall
  • Youth
  • Confirmation 7th and 8th grade - led by Nanci Landes, Deryk David, and Warren Shuey Meeting in Fellowship Hall Room103/105.
  • Youth 9th to 12th grade - led by Dayjoh King and Iain Campbell. Meeting in the Youth room (upstairs).
  • Nursey Care Available - children birth-4 years old
  • Nursery Caregiver: Gina Loscalzo
  • 8:30 and 11:00AM services in Room 130 Preschool wing
  • Now open during the Sunday school hour
  • Unstaffed nursery Room 120

Congregation Wants To Give

Interested in an item you see? This is like a classified section from our Congregation of things that still have some life left and the owner wants to give it a new home.

Contact: Marge Kramer

email:  Phone:215.429.8881

Double Stroller

Gently used double  stroller  (Graco- black-about 2 years old) Both seats on this  stroller are removable and can also face backwards. It can also hold an infant car seat but I'm not sure which Greco line we had for it. I believe any click connect but not 100% sure.

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Christ United Methodist Church

1020 S Valley Forge Rd

Lansdale, PA 19446
