To Seek & Save the Lost

August 9, 2024

A Moment of Inspiration

Did you ever imagine, even in your wildest dreams, God breaking into song because of you?


Online Church Calendar here

Sabbath School Information

9:30 a.m. Sabbath School:

Adult ABC class downstairs & prayer time in sanctuary

10:00 a.m. children's classes downstairs & adult class upstairs


(Click on the picture & choose the lesson for the current week.)

Worship Service Information

Church Bulletin Here
Donate Tithes & Offerings

Click the picture above for our 11 AM church service livestream

Stone Tower Church Announcements & Activities

Sabbath, August 10

10:00am Mercy Ballard, RN: Testimony: Trusting God through Health Crisis

11:00am Dr. Joyce Choe, MD MPH: The Healing Power of God

1:00pm: Church Potluck - ALL ARE INVITED

2:30-5:30pm Joyce Choe & Mercy Ballard: Eating for Optimal Immunity and Natural Resources

Don't miss Sunday, August 11

11:00 am Joyce Choe: The Power of Soaking and Sprouting for Optimal Immunity

12:00 pm Mercy Ballard: Food Demonstration

Sidewalk Evangelism: Please take some Bible study cards to hand out to people around Portland.  

Sabbath School teachers needed for children's departments, grades 2-4 and 5-7. If you are able to help, please talk to Melissa Brownell or Elder Leo.

August 13, 6:30pm: Elders' meeting at the Chaplain's Office at Portland Adventist Medical Center.

August 14 & 21, 6:30 pm: Prayer meeting.

The Stone Tower Music Department is seeking a church organist to play twice a month for our church services. If you or someone you know would be interested in this ministry, please contact Jeanine Goodwin at womensministry@stonetowersda.org.

Sabbath, August 17 -- Outdoor Church

11:00 am: Pastor David Kokiong speaking

12:30 pm: Potluck

August 17 Outdoor Church at the Evergreen Shelter in Silver Falls State Park. The Evergreen shelter (marked E on Day Use Area map) is located in the South Falls Day Use Area. From the parking lot, cross over the river on a bridge to join us at 10AM. A short path from here will take you to the South Falls viewpoint. South Falls is a 177-foot tall waterfall, with a trail behind the lower falls. Go upstream to access the swimming area and playground. No lifeguards in the park. Consider discovering the park in the afternoon with a nature walk. The Trail of Ten Falls is about a 7 mile loop moderately difficult hike. Gates to the Day Use open at 7am and close at 9pm.

Parking passes are required. They can be purchased at a kiosk in the parking lot.

Dog owners: Dogs are allowed to the South Falls viewpoint, but not down the Canyon Trail or Trail of Ten Falls except the Rim Trail and Upper North Falls. There is an off-leash area nearby the Evergreen Shelter and 35 miles of backcountry trails on-leash for their use.

Can't wait to see you there!

Click here for maps & lots of information
Daniel's Baby Registry

August 20, 6:00pm: Finance Committee meeting

August 20, 7:00pm: Church Board meeting

August 24-25 Men's retreat! Frank Brenckle is hosting a Stone Tower men’s retreat at his property in Lyle, WA. This will be an after-church event with Sabbath evening vespers, overnight stay and a Sunday morning breakfast devotional, along with other activities if desired. The address is 71 Meadows Loop, Lyle, WA 98635

Sacred Music Study Part 2 happens in the Stone Tower fellowship hall on August 25th at 2:00 pm. Plan to come and bring a friend to dig deep in God's word as we study the intricate connection between music and worship. See you there!

September 7: Next Outdoor Church at Milo McIver State Park.

Sabbath Fellowship Group

meets at 1:15 downstairs in the

ABC classroom when there are

no other afternoon meetings.

Click the picture for

lots of great resources.


"Pray without ceasing."

(1 Thess. 5:17)

We have a special prayer time at 9:30 Sabbath mornings in the front of the sanctuary to pray for our church and our members.

Come to the Hour of Power at Stone Tower Prayer Meetings

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Please ring the doorbell or knock hard.

We meet in the kitchen.



Click on the picture for a video corresponding with

My Bible First Kindergarten and Primary lessons


To browse a variety of personal evangelism resources, click below:



Evensong, August 10, 4:00 pm at Sunnyside Adventist Church: We will be blessed with our next Evensong featuring Robert Schmidt at the organ and Jim Robertson with the spoken word. Come for a spiritual blessing. 10501 SE Market Street, Portland, Oregon.

Register for Sabbath at Rosario August 23–25, 2024! Walla Walla University’s annual Alumni Sabbath at Rosario Beach Marine Laboratory will be held August 23–25, 2024. Come for Sabbath or the full weekend. Meals and accommodations require registration by August 19. This year's guest speaker is new WWU president Alex Bryan. For details and registration visit wallawalla.edu/Rosario-Sabbath or call (509) 527-2631.


Prayer Group meets EVERY evening at 7:00pm PDT. Join the North America Prayer Group through zoom by clicking this link:

Meeting passcode: 247247

Don't miss the latest Conference & Northwest news here.

The links are updated weekly.

OR Conference news here
NW Adventists headline - Storm at the Camporee
Click for PACS hiring info
Click for volunteer info
Fall Fundraiser link

Szechuan Green Beans

(Click the picture to go to the website)

I just realized I hadn't shared this recipe yet. I went to the website to grab a screenshot of the picture, and MY review is the featured comment (pasted below in green)!

It's green bean time of year in our garden, and I look forward to eating LOTS of this deliciousness every year. This is the only way Kenny actually LIKES green beans -- and even eats seconds.

TIPS: I steam the beans about 5 minutes first because we like them softer. I use water instead of oil and more water instead of the vinegar {grin}. I use about 1/2 tsp of ginger powder instead of fresh. Just make them as spicy -- or not spicy -- as you like. I use 1/2 T of Sriracha sauce.

"I love, love, LOVE this recipe! I have shared green beans from my garden with many friends, and I told them all about this recipe and gave them the link. Everyone has said they love it too! Thank you for sharing it with us =)"

– Renae S

Communication Card

We want to hear from you! If you have questions or concerns you would like to voice, or if you would like a personal visit, phone call or another service offered by our church leadership, click the button below. If you need to speak to an elder or would like Bible studies or to be baptized or if you’d like to transfer to Stone Tower from another church, all of this can happen through our one point of contact below. Your message will be forwarded to the appropriate ministry leader for consideration.


Things to send to the Secretary email at the bottom of the newsletter:

  1. Event stories, reports & photos
  2. Pictures you'd like to have published in the newsletter. I'll try to use them whenever possible
  3. Vegetarian or vegan recipes you'd like to share

The Sabbath begins at 8:28 pm today

Bulletin & Newsletter info. due: Wednesdays by 12:00 pm 

E-mail items to: secretary@stonetowersda.org

Stone Tower Seventh-day Adventist Church

3010 NE Holladay St., Portland, OR 97232

(503) 232-6018 | StoneTowerSDA.org

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