Open  House, Sept. 14
Muffins with a side of Math!

 Important Busing Notice

The Openaki Road Bridge will be closed from September 16-20 and possibly longer.   This will cause bus delays and changes.   If your bus stop is being changed, you will be notified.   PLEASE EXPECT BUSING DELAYS.
 Notices from the Superintendent

Please click  here 
for a first week of school recap at Denville Township Public Schools. 
Riverview News 
Friday Folders for Lakeview, Riverview and Valleyview 

Riverview School  

Valleyview School

Lakeview School

Welcome back to what's sure to be a very exciting year ahead, where each and every individual feels empowered to grow and learn in a place where they truly belong. It was so great to see so many of our learning community at our Back to School Night. Thank you for joining us! Our partnership with parents is critical to the success of our students.  We truly value your input and support. 

Things are in full swing here at Riverview as teachers are working to establish routines, structures, and clear expectations for students. We are so proud of all of the Riverview Rocket behavior that has been shown all around the school thus far. Students are encouraged to continue to show this outstanding behavior not only in their classrooms but also at lunch and recess, in their specials, on the bus, and beyond. It has been so wonderful to see their smiling faces each morning and hearing all of their excitement as they leave school each day. 

Teachers have started with curriculum and students are moving right into Reading Workshop, Writing Workshop, Phonics, Math, Science, Social Studies, and countless other learning experiences that happen each day. We will continue to work towards providing the students with meaningful, engaging, and authentic learning experiences that foster deep understanding of content and application to real-world experiences. 

We would like to remind everyone about the Foundation of Denville Golf Outing and Dinner on September 23. We  look forward to seeing everyone at our Ice Cream Social on October 7 for a special night of sweet treats and "Reading Under the Stars!" We are also looking forward to our PTA Welcome Tea on October 16. Mr. Forte will be at this meeting as well and will be providing an information session regarding space concerns and the possibility of expanding to St. Marys.  We are so thankful for the support of our amazing PTA and entire learning community for all their assistance in the positive start to the school year. We look forward to a great year ahead! 
Denville Schools conducted an emergency phone call, text and email test to all students and staff on September 12.  If you did not receive this message, please contact  
11th Annual Charity Golf Outing


The Foundation  of Denville is holding its annual Charity Golf Outing on Monday, September 23rd at the Rockaway River Country Club.  Proceeds support Denville Schools.  Click  on the picture for more information. 
2018-19 NJ State Assessments Presentation 
Dr. Cullis will present results of the 2018-19 NJ State Assessments on Monday October 14, 2019 at the Denville Board of Education meeting at Denville Town Hall 7:30 PM.
Congressional App  Challenge
The Congressional App Challenge is a public effort to encourage kids to learn how to code through district wide competitions hosted by members of Congress.  Click here for more information.
Field Hockey Youth Day
Morris Hills Girls Field Hockey is holding a Field Hockey Youth Day on Saturday, September 14 at 3 PM for 2nd through 8th grade girls.  No equipment is needed. Click here  for more information.
Important Information for Valleyview Middle School Students
Sports & Club Fees
Please be advised that all Valleyview sports and club fees for the 2019-2020 school year have been waived. If you submitted payment on the first two days of school, it will be returned via your student. If your payment was processed before the start of school, you will receive reimbursement from the Denville Township Board of Education.  Students should continue to bring in any permission slips/forms required for each activity. We apologize for any inconvenience.  
Student Information Sharing
Pursuant to PL203, Chapter 52 (A3410) Valleyview will be providing student information to Morris County Vocational School District.  Please notify Mr. Korman via email ( by September 13 if you do not want your child's information shared.
Homework Free Weekends for 2019-2020
  • Marking Period # 1 - Sept. 28th to 29th  
  • Marking Period # 2 - Nov. 30th to Dec. 1st 
  • Marking Period # 3 - Feb. 15th to 16th 
  • Marking Period # 4 - May 16th to 17th
School Bus Drivers and Substitute
 Drivers Needed.  Free training and competitive salary.  Click on the picture for details. 
Denville Board of Education Highlights

Important information from the August 19, 2019 BOE Meeting:

-   Click here for Discussion and presentation of instructional space demands
       and options for the future.
-   Appointment of Mr. Seth Korman as the new Valleyview Principal
-   Click here for Presentation of the 2018-19 HIB and School Incidents report
-   Click here for All BOE Agendas and Minutes 
-   Click here for BOE Meeting Schedule 
-   Click here for the BOE video
Denville Library Events in September
The Denville Library offers events throughout the year for children, teens and adults, such as Read to a Dog,  Scratch Programming and After School Art.  Click here for the September Newsletter.
Contact Us
Transportation questions?   
Phone:  973-983-6530 ext 2427.
Parent Portal Questions?
Please email: for questions regarding parent portal accounts.
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