Summer enrollment here

October 1st - 5th is the
 Denville Schools' Week of Respect!

 Notices from the Superintendent

Student Computer Monitoring
As you are aware from our parent/student technology contract, the district has the capability to monitor student internet searches. While we don't look at all searches, we do have a system in place that will alert us if a student searches for inappropriate content as well as content that would be flagged as harm to self or others.  Please click here for important information about the monitoring process.

Week of Respect
October 1-5 is the Week of Respect.  Lakeview, Riverview and Valleyview will all be participating in events throughout the week.  Please click here to view the schedule of activities for each of the schools.
Denville Schools will be conducting an emergency phone call, text and email test to all students and staff after school on Monday, October 1st.   If you do not receive this message, please contact  You must opt in for text messages to be 
sent.  Please click here for instructions to opt in. 
We are featuring a different school each week to keep you updated on events and happenings  throughout  the district.  Please check your individual school's Friday Folders for school specific events.  
Lakeview News 
Friday Folders for Lakeview, Riverview and Valleyview 

Lakeview School  

Valleyview School 


Riverview School  
Welcome Back to Lakeview School! Life is all about beginnings and this promises to be a wonderful one. It was so nice to see the students come off the bus with smiling faces and greeting old friends and meeting new ones. The students had a special treat the first week of school. They were not only greeted by their friends, but our Lakeview Lion mascot was on hand to high five the children and share in the excitement of the first week of school. Joining Leo, the Lion our Lakeview leaders were excited to greet and make everyone feel welcome as they disembarked from their buses! Thanks to Leo and our Lakeview Leaders for making all our students feel a part of our Lakeview family.
Our incredible PTA organized our annual Fun Fest on September 15th to kick off the 2018 -2019 school year! It was a fabulous day and provided an opportunity for families and staff to visit with each other while enjoying delicious food, games and rides. Special thanks go to Mrs. Pandruvada, Mrs. Shulman and all the volunteers who made this event possible. Thank you!
We were fortunate to have members of our community visit our third graders on September 13th. The Denville Rotary and Sunshine Rotary joined our third grade class and shared the many contributions they make to our community. They provided each of the students with their own personal dictionary. The Rotarians' informative visit and generosity lets us know we are part of a very special community.
As we continue our focus on social emotional learning, morning meetings again are the focal point of the beginning of our learning day. We continue to build a strong sense of community and set our children up for success socially and academically. The purpose is to foster a sense of community, positive behavior and trust. We will be concentrating on our core values. Lakeview Lions Roar with PRIDE. Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Excellence    

The first week of October is Respect Week and the School Counselors have many activities planned for the students. Our attention will be on respecting each other and building a strong community! Morning meetings will concentrate on Respect and our Fourth Grade Morning Meeting Club will be starting to visit kindergarten classes to run their morning meetings next week! Tuesday, we have our Lakeview Lion P.R.I.D.E. assemblies to kick off our #GotLakeviewPride program. Teachers will be nominating students who demonstrate our Core Values and they will be celebrated and receive their own Paw Print to give away. 

Fourth and fifth grade Lakeview Lion Leaders will be greeting our students every morning as they come off the bus or are dropped off! To show respect for our bus drivers, students will be writing letters of appreciation and giving them to the bus drivers at our special bus morning meeting on Friday.  It promises to be an awesome week!
Our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate the opening of our Library Media Center will be held at 6:00 PM on October 4th.
Don't forget to join us for the Ice Cream Social on October 4th at 6:30 PM.
Registation is Open for Jr. Eagles Wrestling

Morris Knolls Jr. Eagle Wrestling registration is now open to K- 8th grade residents of Denville and Rockaway.  No prior wrestling experience is required.  Click on the picture for information and registration form. 
MHRD Information Night for Specialty Programs

Attention 8th Grade Students:   There will be information nights for 8th grade students and parents regarding two specialty academic programs offered in the high school.  The Math and Science Magnet program and the International Baccalaureate Program.  Click here for dates and details. 
Denville Food Truck and Family Festival

The Denville Food Truck and Family Festival will be held on October 7th from  Noon - 6 PM at Gardner Field.  There will be food trucks, music inflatables and more.  Click here for more information.
Register for Girl's Rugby Clinics

Give rugby a try.  Two clinics will be offered for middle and high school girls on Sept. 29th and Oct. 6th.  Make the transition from flag to tackle rugby.  Click on the picture for details. 
Denville Demons Travel Basketball Tryouts

Registration for tryouts for the Denville Demons is now open.  Boys and girls from 4th-8th grade are encouraged to register.  Tryouts will be held at Riverview Elementary School.  Click here for the tryout schedule and information.  
Alliance 5K #Breakthrough Run

The Alliance 5K #Breakthrough Run will be held on September 30th at MacKinnon Middle School in Wharton.  There will be a 1 mile fun run at 8:30 AM and a 5K Run at 9AM.  Click  here or on the picture for details.  
Denville Runs on Service

The Denville Rotary Club is hosting a 5K and fun run "Denville Runs on Service".  Proceeds will benefit the Joey Bella Memorial Fund and Denville Social Services.  The run will be held on Oct. 7th and start at St. Clare's Hospital in Denville.  Click the picture for details. 
Stay Connected with our App!

Download our app for information at your fingertips!  Announcements, quick links to Genesis and district information with notifications.  Scan the QR Code or search for Denville in Google Play or the App Store to download the Denville Township School App.  

We have a number of ways to stay connected, Facebook, Twitter and our App.  Click on the the picture for details.
Denville Township Schools in the News

Denville Board of Education Meeting
The Denville Board of Education held its meeting on September 17, 2018. Click the image to the right to view the meeting. Below is a link for information on upcoming meetings. 
For Meeting Schedule and Ti mes Click Here
For BOE Agendas and Minutes     Click Here
Contact Us
Transportation questions?   
Phone:  973-983-6530 ext 2427.
Parent Portal Questions?
Please email: for questions regarding parent portal accounts.
Job Opportunities with the Denville Board of Education

Click the link to the right to see current openings with the Denville Board of Education.
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