Thank you to all our parents for making our Halloween parade and parties so much fun! It was great to see so many smiling faces!
We are looking forward to displaying our respect and gratitude towards our veterans on November 7 at our Veterans Day Assembly. We are inviting veterans to join our morning meetings and our whole school assembly to show our deep appreciation for their service.
On Election Day, November 6, students will be voting on the movie they would like shown during our PTA Family Movie Night.
Our sensory room is being utilized to help students receive the sensory input they require to self-regulate and be prepared for learning. We thank everyone involved in making this space possible and are eagerly awaiting the final pieces to arrive that were purchased as a result of the Apex Fun Run.
As part of our partnership with Sustainable New Jersey and in alignment with our focus on Social Emotional Learning, we want to support students developing healthy habits that put them in a positive, happy mindset. With that, we are eager and excited about bringing back Workout Wednesdays! Workout Wednesdays will be an optional activity for students on November 14, 21, and 28. Students who are interested in participating will be invited to the APR during their Morning Meeting time to do some stretching/exercising with Ms. Gomer and Mrs. Sardanopoli! Students are also welcome if they'd like to participate in fun and engaging exercise-based movement activities during their recess.
Upcoming events this month include our Book Fair, World Dance and Drumming Up Character Residencies.
A reminder there will be no school during Teacher's Convention on November 8 and 9.