The Beauty of Shared Life
Dear Fremont Family,
These past few weeks have been full of shared life, and I think it is always important to reflect on the power of what might seem like insignificant moments, but moments that move us toward God's preferred vision of shalom (wholeness) in the world. On Friday, June 14, a few of us stood on the corner and handed out ice cream to happy children and their parents on the last day of school. We interacted with neighbors in seemingly small exchanges, but they were moments of connection that draw us toward each other. Marcus Francis (son to Eddie and RaeAnn) and student at Alameda Elementary became our ambassador, and on our behalf, he took boxes of popsicles across the street and handed them out to his classmates. He even boarded a school bus so that those riding home could have a treat! To watch Marcus lead us was only one of the small wonders of that day.
Then, on June 23, many of you led in worship while several of us at Fremont represented you at Annual Conference. I want to say a special thank you to Rev. Patricia Kessel for preaching in my stead. Part of being the "body of Christ" is when members of the body exercise their gifts. The theme for Annual Conference this year was "Being Well," and a sign of our health is our full participation in the life of the church and beyond. Fremont is well represented in the larger body with members Laurie Day (Director of Connectional Ministries) and Cynthia MacLeod (Columbia District Lay Leader) playing key leadership roles in the Annual Conference.
Following Annual Conference, the NE Youth Collective returned for a second year to SLAM (Students Learning About Mission). This powerful week of being hosted by the Yakama Nation is critical in our work of reconciliation and repair as Christians. This year, we took 14 youth from three different congregations (Rose City Park Presbyterian, Fremont and Westminster Presbyterian) to partner with an organization called Mending Wings. This group led us deeper in cultural immersion and teaching about how the indigenous ways of the Yakama Nation are often confluent, maybe even more consistent than some of our practices, with the Jesus way. The friendships we are making between churches and with members of the tribe are transformative beyond measure.
Finally, last Saturday was our second annual Block Party. Wow! The amount of work that it takes to host 100 of our neighbors and to create community with them is big. I want to thank Rebecca Kenney and Diane Rheos who labored for weeks in advance on our behalf. But, I also want to thank so many of you who came early and stayed late to set up and clean up and participate in the day. To host neighbors is to take seriously our place and to take seriously our invitation to "love our neighbors as ourselves." I hope that we continue to learn and grow from our Block Party experiences, and I hope we also continue to delight in what we can do together when we share life with one another! You are a blessing to me.
Grace and peace,