5225 Canyon Crest Drive #30A, Riverside, CA 92507 | 951.787.7807 | cellardoorbookstore.com
Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10 am-6 pm | CLOSED Sundays
News & Events
July 2021
We are currently open for:
  • online orders
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  • curbside pickup
  • in-store browsing
To browse in-store, customers must agree to:
  • Wear a mask appropriately with both nose and mouth covered at all times while in the store
  • Use hand sanitizer provided at the door
  • Carry children who are unable to wear a mask in a stroller or in adult arms
Thanks for your understanding and patience while we navigate these difficult times!
Customer service: info@cellardoorbookstore.com
Let's Play!

Do YOU know U.S. History? Before you celebrate bombs bursting this year, take a quick little quiz, and promise yourself that if you get more than 40% wrong, you’ll read one of the books we’ve listed at the bottom of the quiz and school yourself a bit. 😊 (Click on the book images for the link to purchase.)

1.What was the White Lion?
2.What was the purpose of the Termination Act of 1953?
3.How old is Ruby Bridges (the first African American student to integrate a school in the South)?
4.How long did the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 ban Chinese immigration into the United States?
5.Due to WWI, in 1918 the U.S. banned immigration from countries on the opposing side of the war (namely Germany and Austria). Which empire was not officially at war with the U.S. but was still included in the ban?
6.Who was Fred Hampton?
7.What is "Panic on the Potomac"?
8.How many states have banned the LGBTQ+ (Trans/Gay) Panic Defense, a legal strategy that asks a jury to find that a victim's sexual orientation or gender identity/expression is to blame for a defendant's violent reaction?
9.What was the NACW?
10.What happened to Dr. A.C. Jackson during the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921? How many white people were prosecuted for the murder and destruction of Greenwood?
(Answers: 1. English privateer operating under a Dutch letter of marque which brought the first kidnapped Africans to the English colony of Virginia in 1619, a year before the arrival of the Mayflower, 2. terminated government recognition of more than 100 tribes and bands as sovereign dependent nations and relocated people from tribal lands to urban cities, selling that land to non-Native individuals, 3. 66 years old, 4. 10 years, but severely limited Chinese immigration persisted until the Act was repealed in 1943 and anti-Chinese violence and sentiments persist to this day, 5. immigrants from the Ottoman Empire, specifically practicing Muslims, as Christians were gradually exempted from the ban, 6. an activist and founder of the Rainbow Coalition in 1969 who was drugged and killed by the FBI and local police in Chicago for being what they deemed a "radical threat", 7. investigation weeding out LGBTQ+ people working in the federal government in the late 1940s/early 1950s, an effort led by Joseph McCarthy, 8. 16 states, 9. The National Association of Colored Women, established in 1896 to promote equality for African American women, instrumental in the fight for women's suffrage and the ratification of the 19th Amendment, 10. He was killed. None.)
July Staff Picks
Weird Kid by Greg van Eekhout (out July 27): Superman, meet Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Add comic book heroes, a growly little dog, a bass guitar called Basszilla, butt jokes, and a kaiju, plop them all in a small Arizona town, and you’ve got Weird Kid. In the town of Cedar Creek View, weird things are happening. Sinkholes keep opening, strange goo found at the site, and people are acting oddly. This is personal for Jake, considering his parents found him as a similar goo glob near their home twelve years earlier and raised him as their very human and totally normal son. As if starting middle school isn’t tough enough when you aren’t an alien, along with his new friend Agnes, Jake must find out what is going on with these sinkholes, why people are acting so weird...and he has to learn how to embrace his own weirdness. This book is laugh out loud clever and so sweet. It’s about the power of kindness and weirdness. It’s about surrounding yourself with people who love you as you are, even if you are an alien/nerd.
Dear Senthuran by Akwaeke Emezi: Akwaeke Emezi is an absolute powerhouse. In this bold memoir, Emezi splits themself open and pours themself out in exquisite beauty on the page. Like their debut novel, Freshwater (which I highly recommend reading as a companion), this was a book that I immediately wanted to mark up and flag and talk to anyone within earshot about. Written in letters to significant individuals in their life, from their chosen family to Toni Morrison, they challenge every unspoken standard that has arbitrarily been set forth for writers of color, especially trans and non-binary authors. Spanning from their childhood in Nigeria, to college and an MFA in the US, to the release if their debut novel, and to the quick succession of their second and third novels releases, Emezi pulls readers into their world and opens up about the deepest and darkest facets of their life. Their writing is breathtaking even when speaking of the most monstrous facets of life and I cannot wait to read what they write next. -Elisa
The Book of Accidents by Chuck Wendig (out July 20): With a satisfying mix of Stephen King-esque horror and the mind-bending science fiction plots Wendig’s known for, this book is a dark but shining beacon of deep and twisted storytelling. Long ago, married couple Nathan and Maddie Graves’s small rural Pennsylvania hometown was plagued by a sinister crime wave, and now that they’ve moved back with their teenaged son Oliver, it all seems to be happening again. Not only do Nate, Maddie, and Oliver have to fight to protect their family, they have to battle for their world, the universe, and whatever else of the universe is left. Add to that a gruesome numbers-obsessed serial killer, dark forces unleashing chaos on humanity, and a realistically messy and ultimately beautiful family at the heart of it all. This book reads like horror novels of old, getting creepier and creepier as it unravels, but amidst the harrowing fight between good (albeit imperfect) and evil, this book is about the power and perseverance of love. -Karen
Preorder Tomatoes for Meela

Looking for summer magic, with a side of delicious recipes and gratitude for those who bring our food to table? Preorder Padma Lakshmi's new picture book Tomatoes for Neela, illustrated by Juana Martinez-Neal, out August 31st.

The recipes at the end and the facts about tomatoes and the farmworkers whose hard work brings this bounty to our tables make this a treasure of teaching possibilities as well.
*Save the Date!*

Tuesday, October 19th at 4:30 pm PST/7:30 pm EST – Dr. Myisha Cherry and Dr. Cornel West in a virtual conversation to launch Myisha’s new book, The Case for Rage: Why Anger is Essential to Anti-Racist Struggle. Pre-sale of the book and tickets for the event will be available soon.
Fun Holiday of the Month

We looked in the pages of our Highlights 2021 Almanac of Fun book again and discovered that July 2nd is World UFO Day!

Live long and prosper by buying these books that contain UFOs, extraterrestrials, and space travel, with stories that bridge the divide between humanity (and dogs!) and beings from other worlds.
You asked for it, we've got it!
We're now carrying manga! We've been noticing more customers asking for it when they come in, so we're utilizing the newest member of our team Rachael's manga expertise to curate a new section.

Come in today to check it out. We hope it fulfills all your manga needs!
July 2021 newsletter
Book Club Schedule
Book clubs will continue on zoom; you should be receiving information about them the week before your scheduled book club. As there are no fees to join any of our book clubs, we ask that you please order book club selections from us! We've included links in all of our event listings so that you can easily order online.
Book Clubs for Adults
Cellar Door Book Club
Meets the second Sun at 2 pm
July 11: The Electric Hotel
August 8: The Beekeeper of Aleppo

Mystery Book Club
Meets the third Thurs at 6 pm
July 15: Beijing Payback
August 19: This Tender Land

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Book Club
Meets the third Sat at 5 pm
July 24 at 3:30pm*: The Unbroken (Parts 1 & 2)
August 21: The Unbroken (Part 3)

Historical Fiction Book Club
Meets the fourth Sat at 5 pm
July 24: Fifty Words for Rain
August 28: The Pull of the Stars

Agatha Christie Book Club
Meets the third Tues at 6:30 pm
July 20: The Greatest Detective in the World (p. 226-end)
August 17: Nemesis

Philosophical Horror
Meets the third Mon at 6 pm
July 19: Tender is the Flesh
August 16: The Vegetarian

Black Lit Book Club
Meets the fourth Fri at 6 pm
July 23: While Justice Sleeps
August 27: The House of Deep Water

Young Adult Book Club
Meets the first Friday at 7 pm
July 2: The Corpse Exhibition
August 6: The Water Dancer
History Book Club
Meets the first Wed at 6 pm
July: No meeting
August 4: The Story of the Jews, Volume 2

Speculative Fiction Book Club
Meets the second Sat at 4 pm
July 10: The Vanished Birds
August 14: Sorrowland

LGBTQ Book Club
Meets the fourth Thurs at 6 pm
July 22: Fiebre Tropical
August 26: Lies With Man

Bucket List Book Club 
Meets the third Sun at 3 pm
July 18: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (books I - VI)
August 15: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (books VII - End)

Phy-Sci Book Club
Meets the fourth Wed at 6 pm
July 28: The End of Everything
August 25: I Contain Multitudes

Feminist Book Club
Meets the first Tues at 6 pm
July 6: Feminists Don't Wear Pink

Outdoor Lit 
Meets every other month, first Sun at 2 pm
July 11 at 4pm*: Vesper Flights
September 5: The Unlikely Thru-Hiker
Book Clubs for Kids & Youth

Early Readers Book Club Meets the second Sat at 1 pm
July 10: Jo Jo Makoons
August 14: Ms. Frogbottom's Field Trips: I Want My Mummy

Kids' Book Club Meets the second Thurs at 6 pm
July 8: The Pathfinders Society: Mystery of the Moon Tower
August 12: Amari and the Night Brothers
*Starred meetings are not held at their usual date and/or time
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