Blessed Brothers and Sisters of the Light!
We welcome you to join us for our Freedom Conclave, Golden River of the Helicon: Genesis of the Golden Age of Ascended Master Light!, that will take place July 3-7, 2024. A most joyous celebration of the Dawning Golden Age of Beloved Saint Germain is at hand. Behold, breathtaking displays of Cosmic Light in Freedom's Flame! Be awe-inspired by the majesty of the cascading River of Golden Helicon bringing the Gifts of the Ascended Masters as Dispensation, Momentum, and Light!
The Ascended Masters also invite you to their School of Wisdom, Acropolis Sophia,® where the Virtues of the Holy Christ Presence will be extoled. The Acropolis Sophia, Walking on the Waters Wearing the Deathless Solar Body, Spun of the Sun: Golden Panoply of Your Christ Presence, will be held from July 8-14, 2024. Discover the power to to rise above the discord and limitations of this outer world by wearing the Garment of the Christ, invoking the Great, Great Silence, and forming an Alliance with Pristine Cosmic Nature.
Look for our formal mailing brochure that will be winging its way to you soon. You may participate in-person here at Coeur de Lion or online via our streaming video broadcast program. Please see the registration information below. Feel free to contact us at (520) 751-2039 if you have any questions.
In Service and Love,
The Temple of The Presence®