Hey πŸ‘‹

I'm not even sure when I sent my last email. I hope you're well. I do have some fun new stuff to share. So let's just get into it.


I have two new typefaces, both variable, one serious, one fun. The first πŸ‘†is called Verbose, used above to describe my ideal food groups. It started almost by accident and now exists in five widths (or one useful variable file).

The next one πŸ‘‡ is a throwback to some of my earliest days of making fonts. Pixel fonts! It's called Quirque and has three styles, lofi, midfi, and regular (a hybrid of sorts). It's also variable. Language support on this one is spotty, due to the impractical nature of the design. But test it out and decide for yourself.


Now that my new (last three years) catalog has 10 typefaces, I did something to mark the occasion. I took one style from each of these and bundled them up for you, for free! Since you're already subscribed to my mailing list I'll just link you to the files here. Enjoy!

As I mentioned above, I finished another 52 weeks of songs. Some are better than others. I'm in the process of refining my favorites from this batch and compiling a new album. Before that happens, you can catch them all here.

And lastly, I have a new website! That won't come as a surprise to most of you, as I do this every year. I wrote a little bit about the updates, if you're into that sort of thing.

For real, that's it. Thanks for making it this far. I'm on Instagram still, say hi over there or just reply to this email.
