Vol 12, Issue 2, December 09 2022

Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your Weekly Updates & News From WPH!

In this Week's Edition: Hamilton's Labour Force Information November 2022, Workforce Wednesday Open Submissions, Free Giveaway for Employers, Who's Hiring In Hamilton, Happening in the Community: (Career Pathways, CANUSA Games: Administrator Position, HamOntYouth: Youth Engagers, Mohawk: LINC College Prep, Hamilton Council on Aging, Try College For FREE: Winter Courses, and News: "A career with purpose – apprentices building Canada’s reduced carbon future" and "3 reports that caught our eye the week of Dec. 4, 2022"

Labour Force November 2022

Review Hamilton's Labour Force Information for November 2022

Workforce Wednesday Open Submissions

If you would like your Local Hamilton business to be featured on our new & improved "Workforce Wednesday" segment...

Please send a photo & description to:


*Please include any additional information about hiring, job openings, hours, or any extra information related to your Hamilton business!

Free Giveaway for Employers!

Do you have skills gaps and retention issues in your company?

Be 1 of 3 employers that get a free organizational needs assessment from the Adult Basic Education Association (ABEA) between now and March 2023.

ABEA is the adult learning network in Hamilton. We work closely with adult upgrading and training programs across Hamilton. We know that retention is a key priority for businesses in the upcoming year. A successful employee is more likely to stay on the job and reduce your employee turn over.

But sometimes skills gaps in communication, math or digital technology get in the way. Targeted upgrading can be one tool to help you retain workers. It can help them meet increased skills demands so they can grow in your company.

Through an organizational needs assessment, we can create a customized training plan to increase your employees’ skills now and for the future.

Interested in learning more? Connect with ABEA today!

Sara Gill director@abea.on.ca

905-527-2222 x 1

Who's Hiring In Hamilton?

View WPH Job Board to explore more!

Wesley is currently seeking an Intensive Case Manager.

Click here to apply!

McMaster University is currently seeking a Camp First Aid Counsellor & Red Cross Instructor

Click here to apply!

The City of Hamilton is currently seeking a Senior Communications Officer

Click here to apply!

Happening In The Community!

Career Pathways

Looking for something new and innovative to help you attract and retain staff? We’ve got you covered!

Local employers, workforce planning boards, and adult literacy networks are working together to build a new online Career Pathways tool for employers and jobseekers. This innovative tool will promote in-demand, entry-level careers with opportunities for growth across Hamilton, Niagara, and Grand Erie. It will give job seekers information about jobs, skills, and training they may need. And there's a good chance that we'll include a job you're hiring for right now! By taking a short survey, you will help us to test the Career Pathways tool. Why participate in Career Pathways?

· It addresses labour challenges faced by your organization and the community by enabling you find and keep the right person, in the right job, with the right motivation.

· Your organization’s logo and website can be featured on our contributor’s page and viewed by job seekers.

· You could win 1 of 5 $50 gift cards! Draws will be held, and winners announced from Nov 2022 to Jan 2023.

We are looking to hear from employers in these sectors

· Construction

· Wholesale and Retail Trade

· Other Services

· Transportation and Warehousing

· Accommodations and Food Services

· Business, Building and Other Support Services

· Agriculture

· Education

Check out the website & fill out the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B3TB22L

Time commitment – 5 minutes to check out the tool, 15 minute survey

If you would prefer a live demo of the tool, email support@abea.on.ca.

CANUSA Games: Administrator Position

(Click to view document)

HamOntYouth: Youth Engagers

The City of Hamilton Youth Team are now accepting applications for the next round of Youth Engagers.

The paid Youth Engagers role is to engage with youth peer to peer through attending community events and representing youth at various City tables.

This will be a 6-month contract from January - June for 25 hours per week.

Any youth between the age of 18-29 are encouraged to apply.

If you have any questions, need more information please contact irene.heffernan@hamilton.ca Those interested in applying should e-mail their resume and cover letter to Irene Heffernan at irene.heffernan@hamilton.ca


The deadline to apply is Dec. 23rd, 2022

Mohawk: LINC College Prep

Starting in January, Mohawk College will offer a free LINC College Preparation class for participants with benchmarks 6 or higher. The class provides students with important skills that will support their transition into college life.

Hamilton Council on Aging

Please take time to complete the survey if the work you do supports older adults living in Hamilton. 

Also, please share broadly with your networks encouraging others to participate (poster attached). The online survey closes February 1, 2023.

The City of Hamilton, Hamilton Council on Aging and Seniors Advisory Committee know there are many great initiatives and projects being led by organizations, community groups and the City of Hamilton that advance the needs and priorities of older adults and contribute to making Hamilton an Age-Friendly community.

Please complete this survey and tell us about your efforts in making Hamilton an Age-Friendly community 

The information collected through the online survey will be included in the 2022 Age-Friendly Progress Report.

Try College For FREE: Winter Courses

There is still availability in the winter courses and as long as they are listed on our website, they are still accepting applications.

Our course website is www.mohawkcollege.ca/trycollegeforfree


A career with purpose – apprentices building Canada’s reduced carbon future

In 2021, Canada joined 120+ other countries in committing to achieving net-zero emissions by year 2050 in an effort to “avert the worst impacts of climate change.” In a few words, that means either reducing or offsetting the economy’s greenhouse gas emissions through electrification, energy efficiency and clean technologies. This commitment, along with the changes in the electricity sector workforce composition, present a unique opportunity for young people who are looking for a career with purpose.

Industry outlook

Currently, the electricity and clean technology sectors are facing significant difficulties regarding human resources. From a macro perspective, the low unemployment rate in Canada and exceptionally high job vacancies are indicative of a labour shortage in general. In addition, the sector’s pre-pandemic retirement rate, according to research undertaken by EHRC, a non-profit organization working to strengthen the ability of the Canadian electricity industry to meet the current and future needs of its workforce, is at almost 3%, or 1.5. times the national average for all industries. This number has likely increased due to the pandemic, although the exact impact is not yet determined.

Read more here!

3 reports that caught our eye the week of Dec. 4, 2022

Race Alongside the Machines: Occupational digitalization trends in Canada, 2006-2021 (Brookfield Institute)

This report offers a comprehensive look into how technology has affected jobs and workers in the past 15 years. This information is designed to serve as a tool to understand the projected impact of technology on worker outcomes in Canada to ensure that we get the best and avoid the worst of technology-driven innovation.

Canada leads the G7 for the most educated workforce, but is experiencing significant losses in apprenticeship certificate holders in key trades 

A rising share of working-age Canadians has completed a bachelor’s degree or higher, an increase driven both by highly educated recent immigrants and by rising educational attainment among young adults. Job vacancies in the occupational category of “trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations” that required at least a trades or apprenticeship credential nearly doubled from late 2019 to late 2021.

Executives feel the strain of leading in the ‘new normal’ (Future Forum)

This report finds executives are reporting record-low experience and sentiment scores as leaders struggle to navigate shifting work models. Over the past year, executive scores for overall satisfaction have dropped 15% and executives now report 40% more work-related stress and anxiety.

Read more here!

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If you have new updates you want to share with the community please reach out to Travis MacCarl via email: consultant@workforceplanninghamilton.ca
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is a one-stop online resource centre and phone line dedicated to supporting Hamilton businesses with their COVID-19 business questions and concerns.
Hamilton businesses can call the COVID Concierge at 905-521-3989 (Mon-Fri, 8:30 am-4:30 pm) or Contact Us online. Learn more at hamiltoncovidconcierge.ca
The Hamilton COVID Concierge for Business is brought to you by the Hamilton COVID Concierge Team, comprised of the City of Hamilton and the three local Chambers of Commerce.
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca
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