This Week's Free Flower Essence is...
Clear Spirit
 We are all navigating changes that are challenging on many levels at the moment. To support lightworkers, healers, intuitives, and the rest of us find our way to happiness, success and harmony, Botanical Alchemy is doing a "Living in Changing Times" Flower Essence giveaway each week. Every order placed gets a free bottle of that week's Essence. Each week's offer is posted on our Social Media Pages usually with one of George Perina's Exceptional designs. First time orders may receive another blend if we feel so guided.
This week's Free Flower Essence is Clear Spirit which is a very smooth and gentle opener of our higher Chakras, helping strengthen our connections to Spirit and the Angels of the Light. This can open our ability to channel information, converse with our guides and allow Spirit's many gifts to flow effortlessly into us, enhancing so many aspects of our life and our path.
Exceptional during times of change or when making decisions, it can also be highly accelerative during periods of enhanced creativity, or when seeking to build and strengthen a life that grows from Spirit.

Clear Spirit features strongly in several of our Cocktails, including Creative Flow, Shamanic Journey, and Spiritual Connection.

We are now communicating more through our Social Media pages and you can view this week's and past offers, through the handy links at the bottom of the newsletter or to view them on our website.
Click here to go to Flower Formulas to view our Flower Essence Blends.