Beware of Fraudulent Emails
Purporting to be from the Ascension clergy
Several people received scam emails today pretending to be from Fr. Ed, using a Gmail account under a user name that appears to be him.

If you received this scam email, please report it to Gmail using this online form:
(You can also use this same form to report any future scam emails that arrive in your inbox via Gmail.)

Unfortunately, we are unable report scam emails that you forward to us, only those that we receive directly from the scammer. This is because the reporting process requires email header information available only to the recipient of the original email.


  • Neither the clergy nor any member of the staff will ever send emails asking you to buy gift cards or anything else, and most certainly not with a promise to "pay you later."
  • Neither the clergy nor any member of the staff will email you in an official capacity from any email other than their official email address.
  • All emails, from any source, that ask you to buy gift cards should be considered fraudulent as a matter of course.

If you are ever in doubt, please contact the parish office ( or 212-254-8620) for assistance.
Contact Us
The Church of the Ascension -- Fifth Avenue and Tenth Street
212-254-8620 | |
We are working from home, but we will respond to emails and phone calls