August 2019
4608 Tower St.
Edina, MN 55424
(612) 440-7171
An amazing day of Fishing and Fun at the
Fraser Group Home and TCWU Fishing Picnic
An amazing day for fishing and a picnic with our Fraser Fishing Buddies!
  • Fraser is an organization that supports individuals who have special needs and looks to create bright futures

Why is this event important and what is it that makes fishing so special?

Fishing is one of a few outdoor activity's that gives back in so many ways. Fishing creates some of our fondest memories, amazing life long friendships, gives us something to brag about, and the best pictures in the photo album are always fishing moments. Fishing connects us to our past, our parents, grand parents and so on. I can't think of anything better than going back and fishing in those favorite fishing holes that were handed down to us. Its so special that we plan for months in advance and count down the days. Its one of the few things we all look forward to doing.

TCWU hosted our third Fraser fishing picnic on August 17th, and what a Great Day! We had an awesome club turn out with over 15 volunteer's, friends and a special club member Miracle. There were 30 or 31 Fraser fishermen and fisherwomen, along with 9 or 10 staff members.

This event was really a big deal for our Fraser friends. It was cool to hear how they all were looking forward to fishing. They had a count down and they made sure to remind the Fraser Staff every week for weeks!

The weather was perfect and the fish were biting, and we nearly ran out of bait. Everyone had too much fun, and I bet we all would have fished all day no problem. Nothing better than topping the day off with Lisa Wood's picnic magic, with her Swedish Fish and some tasty Doc Dogs.

What else makes fishing so special? Smiles!

Over 50 people came together this Saturday morning and we all had so much fun. I would say everyone smiled at least 10 or 20 times each, which equates to well over 500 Smiles!
Fishing is that one special activity that brings people of All Abilities together. Inclusion and social interaction are so important for everyone, it makes us all feel wanted, included, good inside. Fishing creates special smiles!

Special thanks to the Fraser Staff for everything you do to support this event and more importantly the Fraser residents you support every day. We at TCWU are all honored to be your friends.

Thank you TCWU Volunteers: Lisa and Jim Wood, Claire and Matt Moore, Sarah and Dan Camp, Jodi and Paul Yanzer, Kathleen and Andy Motzko, George Zarns, Brad Dybdahl, Kyle Wood, Rusty Nelson, Rich Strong, Terry Reishus, Don Hanson, David Brewer
TC Walleyes Unlimited, Inc.
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