A Word from Our CEO

Krystin Albert, BSN RN

Every staff member and volunteer here at Franklin VNA & Hospice plays a large role in the sustainability of this small independent non-profit agency. June is a time to recognize some of the hardest working members of our team, the Licensed Nursing Assistants (LNA’s). The LNA’s provide a variety of care such as personal care, wound care, and needed assistance due to a recent medical event. LNA care helps to prevent infection, exacerbation of disease processes, independence, and compliance. Attending to personal care needs such as bathing, toileting, skin care, eating, meal prep, transfers, mobility, companionship, and safety checks are vital. Our LNA’s are professional and provide compassionate care with respect. LNA’s also provide socialization, especially to patients who live alone or may not have someone who visits regularly. They are the eyes and ears of the agency. Patients will often disclose information to their LNA’s that they won’t discuss with the rest of the care team.

LNA’s work under the supervision of a nurse or therapist, they can take vital signs, weights, perform simple wound care, perform medication reminders, and check INRs once trained. The care they provide directly impacts patients due to the relationship that is built and leads to improved patient outcomes. Here at Franklin VNA & Hospice our LNA’s provide quality care to Home Care, Hospice and Private Duty patients. You may also see them at the town Blood Pressure Clinics or volunteering at our community events. Their commitment to the community they serve never goes unnoticed.

When I asked our current staff why they love being an LNA their responses were as follows:

“I love that I get to go see people who need help and make a meaningful difference in their life.”

”The hours, and the ability get to know our patients”.

“I love being able to help people in the community and get to meet new people!”.

“I love the people I work with. I love the friendliness and homey feeling of the environment in the office. I’ve only been here for a short period of time, but I tell you I am happy when I come to work and I’m happy when I go home.”

“I love my patients! I love most the people we work with!”

In closing, this month we honor our LNAs as well as all LNAs. We appreciate you and thank you for providing excellent care to those who need it. I want to recognize Jessye, Sarah, Kayla N, Heather, Desiree, also Kayla F and Jess for their part in continuing the mission of Franklin VNA & Hospice to provide quality and compassionate care to those in need. 

Franklin VNA and Hospice is always here to help you or your loved one with any of your healthcare needs. Franklin VNA and Hospice: You do have a choice. Choose Franklin VNA and Hospice.

This month we celebrate our outstanding team of LNA's!

LNA Appreciation June 13th-19th

A Brief History and What They Do

Licensed Nursing Assistants (LNA's) have been around dating back to World War I due to the growing needs to help overwhelmed nurses treating wounded soldiers. The volunteer career died down after World War I but was sparked again during World War II when the Red Cross reinstated this volunteer program. After World War II the nursing assistant career grew and expanded into a paid job creating a larger demand for the career. All that was needed was a high school diploma and on the job training during the 70's and 80's. In the late 80's the Omnibus Reconciliation Act was passed to help increase the quality of care in nursing homes where more help was specifically needed. With this Act being passed, certification was then made a requirement.

Today to become a Licensed Nursing Assistant, one must pass a state approved program with a clinical aspect and a practical test to become state licensed. Once licensed, an LNA can find a career in many settings including a hospital, a rehab or long term care facility, a visiting nurses association, schools or daycares, and more.

So what can an LNA do to help you or a loved one?

LNA's help people with their every day living activities. They work under other licensed healthcare providers to administer care. This can span anywhere from maintaining hygiene by bathing and helping dressing or feeding to providing wound care or end of life care. They help those who still have mobility and to those who are not or are significantly decreased. While their license has a scope of practice that needs to be followed, the skills of an LNA are vast and very helpful to those who need it.

Harris, A. (2023, February 12). A brief history of CNA careers. CNA Programs. https://www.cnaprograms.org/blog/brief-history-of-cna-careers/ 

What's Happening in June?

We all know in today’s world that being caring and compassionate is so important. Join us for World Caring Day on June 7th. This day was created in 2022 by CaringBridge, a non-profit company made to be able to help support private pages for anyone on a health journey for free.

This day especially looks to shine a bright light on family caregivers who dedicate their time to providing for their loved one whether it be for a short time or long term, through sickness, back to health. Taking care of a loved one can feel overwhelming and lonely at times and caregiver burnout can occur so quickly without support.

Help us by participating and lifting up these caregivers.

You can participate by joining on social media. Simply share your story on any platform and use the hashtag #WorldCaringDay. You can share a photo or a story to recognize a family member who is making a significant impact in your life or in your surrounding community.

Another way to help show your support would be to offer more support to these family caregivers. Often times those who are caring for others don’t do well with asking for support. This could be some respite time to be able to step away and do something for themselves, help with meals, or even just lending your ear to listen to what they need to talk about. These simple things will make all the difference to someone who is caring for others.

Caring is worth sharing. CaringBridge.(2023,September 21).https://www.caringbridge.org/wcd/ 

The Alzheimer’s Association use this month to promote brain health and educate how to detect early signs and diagnosis. Any shift in memory that is noticeable by yourself or family members is reason to speak up.

According to alz.org, here are 10 early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

1.  Memory loss that disrupts daily life

2.  Challenges planning or solving problems

3.  Difficulty completing familiar tasks

4.  Confusion with time or place

5.  Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships

6.  New problems with words in speaking or writing

7.  Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps

8.  Decreased or poor judgment

9.  Withdrawal from work or social activities

10. Changes in mood and personality

So, what do you do if you see any of these signs in yourself or in your loved ones?

Making an appointment with the doctor to discuss the concerns you have is the first step. Conversations can often be difficult when it comes to memory issues, in fear that you will upset your loved one who may feel that nothing is wrong. Alz.org has great resources on how to approach these conversations along with information on how Alzheimer’s is diagnosed. Click the link to the website below to learn more information.

Use the hashtag #ENDALZ on social media and share why you raise awareness for Alzheimer’s.

June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. Alzheimer’s Association | Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. (2024). https://www.alz.org/abam/overview.asp#promoteBrainHealth 

For more information on Alzheimer's click here

We want to wish everyone a Happy Father's Day!


Men’s Health Month is in June. Wear the color blue on Friday June 14th in observance of Men’s Health! Men’s Heath Month is used to heighten the awareness and education of preventable health issues in men and boys. It encourages early detection or treatment of medical needs.

Men’s Health Month tries to highlight

Prostate Cancer       

Other Prostate Issues

Testicular Cancer    

Breast Cancer


Annual Heath Checkups

Mental Health    


Men tend to put their health on the back burner, so they are less likely to reach out or be seen when needed. Encouraging the men in our lives to seek treatment when needed is important!

The mission of Men’s Heath Month for 2024 is

“Build the knowledge of men and boys to impact their lifestyle for actionable, healthier choices that influence decisions, lifelong.”

While their vision is

“Stronger Together, Better Forever: Building Better Health for Men & Boys, Lifelong.” 

Social Media Toolkit for Men’s Health Month. Mens Health Month. (2024). https://menshealthmonth.org/mediacenter/social-media-toolkit 

Recipe of the Month



Who's ready to have some fun? Join us Saturday July 6th for some baseball fun! 50/50 Raffle, Fireworks and more.

Tickets are just $12 get your now!

Scan the QR code or

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Memorial Brick and Founding Donor Patio

With a donation of $50 you receive a custom brick in the memory of a lost loved one. The brick will be honored in the Teuscher-Wilson Hospice Garden, which is pictured at the top left. Other opportunities are open for larger donations as Diamond, Opal, and Amethyst sponsors. Please click on the link below for more information.

Memory Brick Info

BP Clinics and Calendar of Events

Free Summer Greif Support Group

(Registration Required)

With Our Spiritual Care Coordinator

Mark Williams

Our Spring Drop-In Grief Support Group

no registration needed

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