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Rev. Fr.
Ejike Mbaka
is coming to St Antoninus!

St. Antoninus Church
July 6th (FRI) - July 8th (SUN) 2018

Fri: 10 am - 9 pm 
 Sat: 9 am - 10 pm
Sun: 10 am (Mass)

" Glory of the Saints"

Sponsored by
Divine Adoration Prayer Group

Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka is renowned priest from Amata Ituku in Awgu, Enugu State, Nigeria.
He was ordained a priest on July 29th 1995. His seminary days were so significant that many in the school, both the students and teachers, remember him as a person who served God in spirit and truth.
A profoundly Eucharistic priest, he is the founder and spiritual director of Adoration Ministry in Enugu (AMEN). This ministry is where God has used him powerfully in blessing many people, rich and poor, young and old. Members of his prayer community meet for a Healing Mass every Wednesday and for Eucharistic Adoration every Friday.

"Everytime this happens," one member of Divine Adoration Prayer Group said, "it is like a whole village converging, with a about a million people coming from all over to be in worship with Fr Mbaka."
Fr. Mbaka is endowed with charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially the gift of healing, deliverance and performing miracles.   He is known for his care of the poor and tireless efforts to uplift the oppressed and downtrodden.
Gifted as a singer, he has recorded many inspired and transformative songs. In spite of his fame, Fr. Mbaka is known to be a simple, Christ-centered man whose focus is solely on doing God's will and surrendering all to the glory of God.
Fr. Mbaka’s coming to the United States, and to St Antoninus Church in particular, is prophetic, as the Lord is undoubtedly leading him beyond the borders to preach His Word and prepare hearts for the glory of Heaven.

For more information on the Divine Adoration Prayer Conference, call the office at 973-623-0258 or go to our website.
F r Joseph is appealing for volunteers from within the parish and everyone else who would like to be involved in this major conference.
We are expecting at the very least 1000 people, some traveling long distances just to attend Fr. Mbaka's conference. We need volunteers to sign up in our various committees, particulary for:
  • Set up - we are using both the Church and church hall and possibly a nearby school gym for our meal times together. We will be using live streaming on a large screen in the church hall. All this needs facilities planning and set up.
  • Food - preparing, set up and clean-up
  • Ushers
  • Liturgy
  • Security & parking

And please join the Divine Adoration Prayer Group and the whole St. Antoninus Church in praying for the Lord's great anointing on this conference.

Please call Nkiruka Ike-Egolum to volunteer or for any questions:

About Divine Adoration Prayer Group, the sponsor of this conference.

Divine Adoration Prayer Group
Divine Adoration Prayer group is a Charismatic and intercessory prayer group that is focused mainly on Eucharistic Adoration. The members of the prayer group believe strongly in the presence and power of Jesus in the Holy Euchatistic. This is why the act of worship and adoration of Jesus is the backbone of the prayer group. 

The ultimate goal of the Divine Adoration prayer group is to get all men and women to adore Jesus in the Eucharist, develop a personal relationship with Him as our Savior, Lord and Friend, encounter Him in a special way and enjoy the unfathomable love and grace that flow to us from His loving hear t. by Nkiruka Ike-Egolum

Divine Adoration Prayer Group meets every Saturday from 5pm-8pm for Eucharistic Adoration & intercession prayers in Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel at St Antoninus Church, Newark NJ.

337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103
Rev. Joseph Meagher (Pastor)