March 2021

Reach4Life "Fox" Trainings
Along with Peer Educators coming into the schools, the ministry has been utilizing young people within schools to teach fellow students. They are young people who have been in R4L groups for 3 years, are attending Biblically sound local churches, and are considered spiritually mature enough to work well with other students. Adult Peer Educators are assigned to mentor them. They have been given the name “IZIMPUNGUSHE” or "Foxes." The term "foxes" is based on a Biblical story about Samson, to whom God had given great strength. One time, he caught three hundred foxes, tied their tails together and set their tails on fire. He then let them loose in the fields of his enemy, the Philistines. The foxes running throughout the fields set the fields on fire and burned down their crops. In a similar way, “Foxes” (students in the schools) are burning down the enemy’s field’s (Satan’s influence) and starting a fire for the Lord. (The story about Samson is found in Judges 15.)

Especially during Covid-19 uncertainties, it is easier for kids already in the schools to teach others, so there is a major push to train even more students. Those trainings are happening in multiple locations now. After the training, each student is given 150 books to start manageable R4L clubs. Some young people may feel at loose ends but the "Foxes" in the Reach4Life (R4L) program have a clear vision of their mission. See some of the testimonies below.
Reach4Life Office Expansion is Complete
The office expansion in Soweto has been completed and is ready for trainings. The first training will take place on April 10, when Fox Peer Educators will be trained from three Johannesburg locations - Kagiso, Tshepisong, and Slovo. (When this picture was taken, the white pole on right was awaiting installation as part of the overhead projector.)
Trained Kids Now Teaching Others
Mozambique Country Coordinator, Merson (far right), says, “When Covid started last year everything stopped, we were separated as a team as we could not gather for our planning sessions weekly. We were advised by the R4L management team to start WhatsApp groups, which we did and they have been successful. Now we are training Foxes. What a joy it has been to see the same kids we taught now teaching others. This is a great strategy and we believe we will reach more kids even faster.”
Church Building is Underway
Preparations are underway for the new church building in Harrismith. The ground has been cleared and some materials are on site. Neighbors and local Peer Educators have pitched in to help. Toilets have arrived, and trenches have been dug for pipes to connect to the local water supply. The builder expects to have his crew on site on April 8, when the actual building will begin. Emmanuel (Thandy's husband) has been overseeing (and doing) much of the preparation. He's pictured above in the blue shirt. If you would like to donate toward this effort, please go to our donate page. On the "projects" box, drop down to select "Church Bldg." Thanks for your support!
Headmasters Send Thanks!
The notes above are translated here:

Thobezweni Primary: I would like to say thank you to the Reach4Life team for this character building program they have brought in our school. The kids from our school who participated came back fired up and gave great reports on all that they were taught.

Nkanyezi Primary: Thank you Reach4Life for training our kids to do the program. The report from the kids was very detailed. They were taught well. We as the school we are going to work very closely with you and involve the parents so that the program will succeed. Thank for the Bibles given to the kids to start groups. We're looking forward to introducing all the Foxes to the school Assembly.
Four local colleges combined at a R4L training in Nseleni village (above).
Cousins Benefit from Fox Training
“My name is Alcina (middle, on right). I am 15. I live in Gaza Province, Mozambique. I am a trained R4L Fox peer educator. These are my cousins. I have been practicing on them, but now they really take the program serious, they want me to teach them all the time. But I am happy that last week they gave their lives to Christ. We are looking forward to our Portuguese R4L version which will be sent in few months to us. Me and the other Foxes have started groups in our schools and community. Kids really love discussing the hot topics in the R4L book. I bless the Lord for this chance to teach.” Pictured at left is her Reach4Life group.
Sisters Trained Together
Some years ago, His Majesty Nkosi Kunene wrote requesting that R4L be launched to all his schools. Now R4L is operating in 55 schools in this area. These sisters are from Sigweje High School. Mbali Ndlovu (left) says, “We came to know Christ through my older sister who brought the R4L book at home 4 years ago, she taught us the word and we gave our lives to Christ. Now we are trained as Foxes."
Focused on Studies
Nobuhle (right) says, "Me and Mbali have different dads and the same mom. Our grades are better as we do not spend time with friends on the streets but are fully focused on our studies. We have decided to wait for sex till we are married. We are also thinking of becoming teachers. The R4L program has restored me, I was very depressed due to home problems, but now I am free. I know that Christ has a perfect plan for my life. Thank you to everyone from R4L, you are shaping lives.
More Bibles Delivered!
We thank Biblica for delivering another 30,000 Bibles! (We contribute toward some of the cost and they donate some.) They went to the four major hubs - 10000 to Ladysmith, 5000 to Harrismith, 7500 to Johannesburg, and 7500 to Cape Town. Sibonelo, Eastern Cape Coordinator (above), says, "Each day I am delivering R4L Bibles to Foxes who are starting groups everywhere. We are going to work hard on follow up and mentoring the precious Foxes.”
Garage Sale Update
As of today, the Federal Way Public Schools are still not allowing outside organizations to hold events on their campuses. We plan to check back with them on May 1 to see if the status has changed on that directive. If so, we would like to hold a garage sale there. Meanwhile, if you have clothes to donate, we will start taking them on April 1. You can drop them at 30020 2nd Ct. S., Federal Way, on the porch or in front of the garage (if the weather is good). Donation receipts will be available on the porch. Thanks for your support as we continue to navigate through Covid-19 restrictions. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon! If you have any questions, you can email us or call 253-946-5953 (landline) or 206-423-0306 (cell).
Ready to Launch!
“My name is Nakita Nene, from Cliepros Farm. I am 15 years old, and I am a R4L Fox Peer educator. In this picture I was launching my 5 groups in the community hall. As farm workers kids no one comes for us in these deep villages of farms. But Reach4Life came and introduced us to the Program. As a believer I jumped at the opportunity to be part of this work. A year later I am no longer just an attender, but I am a Fox. I and other Foxes in our farm areas are planning to launch as many groups as possible. We want every household to have R4L Bible and young person who loves Jesus. As Foxes we get together and we plan our lessons and strategies to attach in taverns, drug corners and anywhere where the light of Jesus is needed.”  
Teen Pregnancy is Huge Problem
"My name is Octavia Majola (on left). I'm from Matiwane Village, representing three High schools. In my High schools most girls are teen moms to 2 and sometimes 3 kids. Teen pregnancy in our village is a huge problem. Mostly caused by arrange marriages of which girls later run away back to their families or to live on their own. But unfortunately, they usually already have 1 to 3 kids by those men. I came to know Christ through the R4L program in 2018. Today I received 150 R4L Bibles to go start a group. I am so excited. I know that Jesus is going to shine his light in my village.”
Missionary in the Making
“My name is Catherine Nxumalo, from Hwebedeni village. I am 15 yrs old. I joined a R4L group when I was 12. I am so happy that now I get to teach others the word of God. I know my R4L book so well and have been looking forward to this training. I already have 4 girls clubs in my school, I meet them in different days during break time at school and after school. My other 2 groups gather in my house. My dad has given me one mud hut to use for my groups. I want to be a missionary and travel the world sharing the love of Jesus.”
The Five Disciples
My is name Zanento Mafu (middle). We are from Thubalethu High school. We have been trained as Foxes for 3 days. We are all believers and have been part of the R4L groups in our school. Each one of us get two classes to teach each week. So far we are getting a positive response from the kids at school and the teachers. Some teachers when absent they let us know so we can take their class and teach R4L. Once a week we meet with our Mentor, he sees to it that our own studies are not disturbed and that we teach the Bible and not our own theories. Kids at school call us the “5 disciples” we do not mind. We love Christ and we want him to be known by all in our village.”  
The current Rand exchange rate is now at 14.7 Rand per dollar.
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Prevention Time thanks you for your interest in our organization. We are a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible. Prevention Time has no paid staff, so our administrative costs are minimal. To help support the ministry in sub-Saharan Africa, please click on the donate button below.
The Prevention Time Board
Lorna Packard
Mindy Sauerlender
Mary Schumacher
Kim Ives
John Packard

Pastor Ed Kelley IV
Margaret Kiyohara
Janis Schlepp
Sara Dickinson