A National Blue Ribbon School 2021 | A California Distinguished School | Established 1918


August 28, 2024


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Fox Facts is a weekly newsletter published by Huntington Middle School. It includes important information related to school activities, programs, and events. It also includes a section for the Huntington Middle School PTA and a space to publicize community events and organizations.

Important Dates and Events

August 29: NWEA Assessment #1 (Math)

August 29: Hauntington Breakfast Kickoff

August 29: Back to School Night

August 30: Minimum Day

September 2: Labor Day - No School

September 3: The Parent Morning Wellness Hour

September 11: Good Citizenship Breakfast - Responsibility

September 11: Noontime Fun

September 13: 7/8 Dance

September 16-20: 8th Grade Trip to Pali

September 20: 6th Grade PTA Dance

September 23-27: 6th Grade Trip to Cuyamaca

September 24: PTA Association Meeting

Please check our School Calendar for more information related to student events and activities.

Athletic Updates go to hehms.us and click on the Athletics tab.

Our Athletic Director is Ms. Kido (kkido@smusd.us)

Webstore Link: Here

Follow us on InstagramTwitter and Facebook

Click on this link to help with this month's Noontime Fun!

Sign Up Genius


Join the Huntington Middle School PTA Community Facebook Group. This is the only PTA sanctioned social media community group to get all HMS PTA and school related information.

Please review our various bell schedules.

Outdoor Education Information

For any information regarding our outdoor education opportunities, please use this link. If you have any questions, please visit our website, then email Mrs. Denham at Gdenham@smusd.us.

HMS Online Wellness Center

The HMS Online Wellness Center serves to provide resources and optional mindfulness activities that can assist students as well as provide supports for parents to assist in communicating with their children at home.

Counseling Corner:

If you need help getting access to PowerSchool:

Technical Support Contact:

A Note from our Athletic Director


My name is Ms. Kido and I am the Athletic Director at Huntington Middle School. I want to welcome you to an exciting year for our HMS Sports Program. Whether you are a returning student or new to our school, we have activities for almost everyone!

Huntington offers two types of sports programs.  

1.  Intramural: This program is open to all the students on campus regardless of skill level. Once you register to be a part of Intramurals, you are eligible to try out to be a part of a Travel Team.  

2. Travel Team:  In this program, a group of selected athletes compete against other schools to represent Huntington in our 210 Middle School League, Delphic League, and Prep League.  Not all students who try out will be selected for the Travel Team for which they are trying out.


  • Please make sure you complete the appropriate form WITH your parent/guardian.
  • Make sure you take note of the first meeting date. (THIS DATE MAY BE DIFFERENT FOR EACH SPORTS TEAM!)
  • You may select more than one sport, if you do, you will need to fill out a separate form for each sport.
  • Be realistic regarding your schedule and the possible time and date conflicts.

Read the information BEFORE you click on the Registration Form.

*A student email address is REQUIRED to register. (????@student.smusd.us)

**Please make sure you are signed out of all other Google email accounts before clicking on the link.


***If you are still having problems, please use incognito/private mode depending on the browser you are using. 

Intramural Football:  Open to all interested students. Informational meeting on Monday, August 19, 2024 (3:00-3:30). Friday, August 23, 2024 (3:00-3:30) for team selection and uniform distribution. First day of practice: Monday, August 26, 2024 (3:00-4:00). First game: Friday, August 30. Click here for the Intramural Flag Football Form.

Intramural Girls Volleyball:  Open to all interested girls. Volleyball Clinic for skill evaluation: Monday, August 19, and Wednesday, August 21 (6th Grade: 3:15-4:15; 7th/8th Grade: 4:15-5:00). First day of practice: Monday, August 26 & Wednesday, August 28. Click here for the Intramural Girls Volleyball Form.

Intramural Hip Hop Dance:  Open to all interested students. The first day of practice: Thursday, August 22 (3:00-4:30). Click here for Intramural Hip Hop Dance.  

Travel Team - Cross Country: There is no tryout for this team! There will be an informational meeting on Monday, August 26 @ 3:00 (Lunch Court). The first day of practice: Wednesday, September 4 (3:10-4:00). Click here for the 2024 Travel Cross Country Form.

Travel Team - Tennis (EXPERIENCED PLAYERS ONLY):  Tryouts are open to all interested students with previous match playing experience. Tryouts will begin on Tuesday, September 3 - Last Name: A - L (3:00-4:00); Wednesday, September 4 - Last Name: M - Z (3:00-4:00); Thursday, September 5 - Make-up Day (3:00-4:00) Click here for the 2024 Travel Tennis Team Form 

Life is full of challenges, sometimes it means that you should try something new and you never know, you may enjoy it!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.

Remember my motto! "A sport for everyone and everyone in a sport!"

I hope to see you out there playing!

Ms. Kellie Kido

Physical Education Teacher

ASB Advisor

Athletic Director

Information regarding HMS athletics can be found on our Athletics Home Page. You can also reach out to our athletic director, Ms. Kido, at kkido@smusd.us for any additional inquiries.

Free breakfast and lunch!

For the 2024-2025 school year, the State of California is mandating the Universal Meals Program at all schools in the state. With the Universal Meal families need to fill out a Meal Application form, which was part of the online registration package. SMUSD will be offering both breakfast and lunch. Please encourage your students to come and grab a free lunch and a free breakfast daily. SMUSD will be using the Point of Sale system to record the meals for lunch, therefore please remind your students to memorize their 5 Digit lunch number (student ID number). This will help expedite the meal service. For the first week of school the lines may be a bit longer than usual as students may have forgotten their lunch number. If you have any questions, please contact Munira Bengali at mbengali@smusd.us or 626-299- 7000 ext. 1323. 



Parents, the attendance online absence form on the school website is for explaining absences. If your child has a disagreement about an absence on a particular day/period, please reach out to the teacher first. 

Late arrival/Early departure:

If your student comes late to school, even if it's 5 minutes late, the parent and the student need to check in at the front office. Your written confirmation needs to be documented and a slip is given to the student to present to the teacher.  

Same process for picking a student up early from school. Parent must come in to the office, present ID and sign the student out, to ensure the student is going home with an approved guardian. Thank you for taking a few minutes to help us maintain correct attendance and safely monitor our student's whereabouts.  


Complimentary breakfasts and lunches are available every day in the cafeteria.

For safety reasons, we need to limit the number of visitors to school. If your child forgets his/her lunch, please do not bring it to him/her. They can eat from the cafeteria for the day. For the latest information please visit our SMUSD site here

Cell phones are not to be on or in student's possession from 8:00-2:50. Keep them POWERED DOWN and in the lockers.

Keep our campus clean:

Please remind your students to throw away their food wrappers/containers at snack break and lunch. Thank you for helping us keep our campus clean.


Students are responsible for the textbooks and Chromebooks they check out. If a textbook or Chromebook is damaged so it cannot be checked out anymore the student is responsible for the full price of the replacement, plus shipping and handling.

Computers may only be used in class at teacher's direction. Keep them locked in your lockers during lunch, away from the lunch areas and food.

Technical Support Contact:

Chat with a technology support team member at www.smusd.us/livechat/

Email technical support at techsupport@smusd.us

Leave a message at 626-299-7002

HMS Instagram

HMS Twitter

If you have social media, make sure you're following HMS to see the latest in our academic and spirited events.

HMS PTA Facebook

SMUSD Facebook

Community News and Events

* Disclaimer *

As a courtesy, HMS sometimes includes information forwarded from community organizations. In these cases, the organizations and activities are not sponsored or endorsed by H.E.Huntington Middle School or the San Marino Unified School District.

If you would like to run your company or organization's publication in Fox Facts, please email it to mcota@smusd.us by Thursday at 4:30 of each week to appear in the following week's Fox Facts.