Fourth REFORM Newsletter | December 2018
Fourth REFORM Newsletter 
Dear readers,

Welcome to the fourth issue of our REFORM newsletter! 

After two years of intense cooperation, the REFORM partners are now reaching the end of the first phase of the project. This is the opportunity to inform you about the latest achievements.

Over the last six months, REFORM partners have exchanged their best practices and elaborated their respective action plans. This collaborative work allowed to identify good practices and recommendations for the development of SUMPs in regions which could be integrated in the Policy Brief or the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform, for the benefits of other regions.
More recently, in early December, the REFORM partners met in Brussels for a policy conference during which the four regions signed a declaration together with the representatives of the European Commission.
Finally, don't miss the fourth and final Region in the spotlight. In this issue: Central Macedonia, Greece.

The REFORM partners wish you a good holiday season and an excellent 2019!

Enjoy reading!
REFORM Policy Conference: European r egions for Sustainable Mobility Planning
The four REFORM regions came together in Brussels on 4th December 2018 for a Policy Conference during which they signed a common declaration with representatives of the European Commission.

The REFORM Policy declaration as a result of two years of cooperation
The common declaration that the four REFORM regions signed on 4th December 2018 marks the conclusion of the first phase of the project. After two years of cooperation, REFORM partners affirm their commitment for further developing SUMPs in their respective regions.

Inspire and get inspired!
REFORM has been successful at exchanging good practices. The activities and processes identified as best practices by each of the four REFORM regions proved to be inspiring for the other three regions when constructing their action plans.

REFORM supports the Policy Learning Platform
REFORM contributed to the latest Policy Brief of the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform and co-presented it during the last workshop of the platform in Manchester, on 21st December 2018. The paper focuses on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.

Region in the spotlight: Central Macedonia
Every six months, REFORM puts one of the four REFORM regions in the spotlight. In December 2018: Region Central Macedonia.

Meet with our sister projects!

Every 6 months, discover one of our sister projects. This month: REGIO-MOB

REGIO-MOB's overall objective is to  secure Europe’s sustainable growth by promoting sustainable mobility .
European regions face a strong need in increasing the use of sustainable transport modes, in promoting intermodality, technical innovation and the use of cleaner and more efficient systems.
In this context, REGIO-MOB supports regions in undertaking the transition towards low-carbon and resource efficient transport systems in order to increase mobility, remove major barriers and fuel growth and employment.

Find more about all our sister projects on the dedicated page.
Upcoming events

Sustainable Urban Mobility Congress
Bilbao, Spain
20-21 February 2019

UITP Global Public Transport Summit
Stockholm, Sweden
9-12 June 2019

European SUMP Conference
Groningen, the Netherlands
17-18 June 2019
REFORM is a member of the European Platform on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans
This newsletter reflects the author's views only and the Interreg Europe programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Polis - European cities & regions networking for innovative transport solutions
Tel: +32 2 500 56 70

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