October 2018 Edition
Your SCBF has been hard at work considering ways to build awareness and improve overall. The Board of Directors had a two-day retreat in Greenville to solidify goals and objectives for the upcoming year. Some of these goals include: 

> Increasing donor participation and support
> Educating lawyers on the use of IOLTA revenue
> Helping reinvigorate the Historical Society 

Because of your generosity we are able to grow and expand our network of support. If you are interested in securing your legacy as a Foundation for Justice and making a positive impact in South Carolina, please donate today
- Megan, Marisa & Ashley, Your SCBF Staff
Foundation Focus: 
Farm to Table Fundraising Dinner
Thank you to all of the attendees and sponsors who came out to support the SCBF at our inaugural Farm to Table Fundraising Dinner on October 25th.  We had a wonderful time seeing everyone! We enjoyed some fabulous food and learned about the great work of one of our grantees, Charleston Legal Access from their Executive Director, Adair Boroughs. 

Because of our generous sponsors, 100% of ticket sales will go to supporting our grantees. We raised  $5,283 that will help close the justice gap.

Check out pictures from the event here >>>

Live in Charleston, Greenville or Rock Hill? Be on the lookout for similar events in your area! 
Bank of America Grantees for 2018-2019
The South Carolina Bar Foundation is proud to announce the 14 South Carolina nonprofits who received funding from a special grant program established as a result of a settlement between the U.S. Department of Justice and Bank of America.

Historical Society 
If you are looking to become more familiar with South Carolina's fascinating legal history, consider joining the Historical Society! You will enjoy sponsored events, published works associated with specific events or subject matters and an e-publication for members only. Become a member today >>

Grantee Focus
UofSC School of Law - Veterans Legal Clinic 
The University of South Carolina School of Law Veterans Legal Clinic  is a year-round clinic that serves the legal needs of indigent veterans and their families, allowing them to continue making a positive impact on their communities. Legal assistance is available to veterans facing issues on credit and related financial matters, housing issues, government benefits, and family law issues.

Recently, the clinic had its first hearing in court. "It was a veteran who had fallen behind on child support because of being terminated without cause. The students took the bull by the reigns and convinced the Court to suspend enforcement of the order for 60 days to allow us to get the motion for modification filed and to have a hearing on that. It was a great win for the client, even though there is a lot more work to do.  Today was a good day for the client, his children, and the students that argued in front of the Court. Thank you for all you do for us." - Clyde "Bennett" Gore, Jr., Clinical Instructor

Because of your support, the SC Bar Foundation grantees, such as the Veterans Legal Clinic, continue to provide much needed services to South Carolinians.
Donor Focus:
John Deloache 
John Deloache, Senior Staff Attorney for the  South Carolina Association of Counties, is a loyal donor to the Foundation. He is a recurring donor who has donated monthly since he began giving in 2016. 

"I give to the Foundation because I'm confident that the money I give will better prepare the generations that come after me for a brighter future. I know my  gift supports more than a dozen education programs. For more than 15 years I've seen first-hand how these programs help students better understand how our governments and legal systems work, and how to develop methods of solving complex problems."

Become a recurring donor on our website or contact us for more information! 

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950 Taylor Street, Columbia, SC  ยท 803.765.0517