March 2020

Message to Our Membership
Dear Neighbors,

Even months into my term as president, I continue to be blown away by the hard work, thorough analysis, and insightful recommendations that so many of our committees have delivered through their reports this year. Just last weekend, as I reached for my Scarsdale Inquirer, I noticed not one but two front page mentions of the work done by Scarsdale Forum committees.

The top story of all was an article on the report recommending next steps for the Freightway project, put together by the Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale and Downtown Revitalization Committee, and submitted as the organization's formal comment during the village's public comment period. Underneath that was the terrific news that the board of trustees has voted to participate in the New York Climate Smart Communities matching grant program, with a mention of our Climate Resilience Committee's recommendation that the village take this important step.

As you know, our programs are high quality and thought-provoking, but if you've never dug in with the work of one of our committees, you're not getting the full picture of the role the Scarsdale Forum plays in our community. You can join a committee any time through our website or by stopping by one of the meetings listed below.

Tim Foley
President, Scarsdale Forum 

Upcoming Events
Sunday Speaker Series: Engaging Youth in Community Resilience Planning
The final event in this season's Sunday Speaker Series will be today, March 1 at 3:00 pm at the Scarsdale Woman's Club (37 Drake Road), and will feature a talk with former Scarsdale High School teacher and renowned educator Maggie Favretti .

Maggie was one of four U.S. educators recruited by the School Superintendent Association to assist Puerto Rico in reopening schools and re-envisioning curriculum in the wake of disaster. She will discuss her experiences using design thinking to empower the youth and communities of Puerto Rico to fully engage in planning for recovery and resilience in the face of anticipated future extreme weather events due to climate change. ( Pictured above: Maggie, at left, in Puerto Rico with fellow educators. )

All members of the public are welcome to attend. RSVP here.

March Program

 We invite you to join us on Thursday, March 19 to hear Ben Boykin , chair of the Westchester County Board of Legislators, about the latest issues facing Westchester County. The event will take place at the Scarsdale Woman's Club (37 Drake Road).

Refreshments will be available at 7:30 pm and the program will begin at 8:00 pm; all members of the public are welcome. RSVP here.

Committee Updates
Downtown Revitalization

 The Downtown Revitalization Committee and the Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale Committee released a joint report last month on the village's Freightway Site Development proposals. Concurring with Scarsdale Mayor Marc Samwic k, who put the project on pause, the committees stated that there are too many unaddressed issues to move forward with selecting a final candidate for the project.

Of particular concern to the Downtown Revitalization Committee was how a new development, which might contain retail and other commercial interests, would coordinate with the existing village center, as well as the physical connectivity between the two spaces. Committee members also were highly concerned about arrangements for interim parking for merchants, employees, shoppers, and commuters during the construction process.

In addition, the committee is moving forward with exploring the re-imagining of Boniface Circle, and meeting with potential landscape and public space designers for preliminary input on how to approach the project in phases and related costs.

For more details, email Susan Douglass, at
Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale

Scarsdale Village trustees and staff are wrapping up their work on the 2020-21 tentative budget. Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale members have been attending budget work sessions and briefings; the last session is scheduled for  Wednesday, March 4 . The plan will be filed on Friday, March 20 and a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 14 . The committee will meet this month and begin drafting its report commenting on the proposal, and welcomes other Scarsdale Forum members to join its discussions. If you're interested in sharing your thoughts or contributing to the group's efforts, email  Anne Hintermeister at .
Community News
Scarsdale Foundation Scholarship Application Process Now Open 

Students who are graduating from Scarsdale High School, or have lived in Scarsdale during high school and have completed their first, second, or third year of college, are invited to apply to the Scarsdale Foundation for tuition assistance. For the 2019-2020 academic year, the foundation awarded need-based grants totaling $124,500 to 29 students attending private and state-supported colleges and universities.

Applications for the 2020-2021 academic year should be submitted online via the  Scarsdale Foundation website (select "College Scholarships" link) no later than  Monday, June 1

For more information, contact Scholarship Committee Co-Chairs Anne Lyons or BK Munguia at . Please note "Scarsdale Foundation Scholarship Inquiry" in the subject line of your email. Please note that t he Scarsdale Foundation  is independent from, and not affiliated with, the Scarsdale Forum.
Summer Art Festival Coming
To Scarsdale

After two years of planning, the Scarsdale Arts Council will host the Scarsdale Summer Art Festival 2020 from mid-July through the first part of August.

The festival will feature a high-quality, juried art show, an exhibition of student art, and a variety of other events to be announced shortly. Local artists, as well as those from surrounding counties and states, will be invited to submit proposals for works in a variety of media to be showcased via a special prospectus that also will be distributed widely in the community.

The festival will be made possible through the work of many volunteers, primarily docents who will serve on-site, assisting attendees in navigating the exhibits and managing exhibition spaces in the village center. If you are interested in lending a hand, contact Ed Morgan, president of the Scarsdale Arts Council at
 Scarsdale Forum Inc.

Scarsdale Forum Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, it has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, public speaker events and committee discussions. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status. 

Forum Focus generally is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members in the first week of each month. Story ideas should be sent to one week prior to be included in the coming issue.

Media Contact
Diane Greenwald

Forum Focus Editor
Laura Halligan