Forum Focus

JULY 2021

Message to Our Membership
Dear Members,
Summer reawakens our senses and brings us the hope of good times with loved ones, family, and friends as we prepare to celebrate our nation's independence on the Fourth of July.
As the season unfolds, the Scarsdale Forum is at work preparing timely and thought provoking programs for this coming fall, winter and spring. Meanwhile, many of our committees are meeting to discuss and lay the groundwork for future reports on issues of importance to the community.
Please enjoy celebrating Independence Day, and accept my best wishes for a happy and healthy summer!

Eli Mattioli,
Notes from the Board of Directors
Board positions for the coming year and committee chair appointments have been approved. Now is an excellent time to join a group or groups working on the topics that most interest you. To learn more about joining our committees contact New committee members are welcome – no prior experience with any topic is required:

Assessment Revaluation – Steve Pass
Climate Resilience – Darlene LeFrancois Haber
Communications – Madelaine Eppenstein
County Fiscal Affairs – Richard Pinto
Development – Ed Morgan
Downtown Revitalization – Susan Douglass
Education – Barry Meiselman
Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale – Anne Hintermeister
Intergovernmental Relations – Carlos Ramirez
Membership – Gabrielle R. Wise
Municipal Services – Madelaine Eppenstein
Policy – Eric Jaffe, Jon Mark
Program and Speaker Series – Alexandra Tagami Vargo
Recreation – Jeremy Gans
Scarsdale Electoral Process – Eli Mattioli
Special Events – Linda Blair
Sustainability – Darlene LeFrancois Haber
Zoning and Planning – David Buchen

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 23, 2021 at 8:00 pm.

The next Membership meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 7, 2021 at 8:00 pm.

The next Sunday Speaker Series event is scheduled for Saturday October 24, 2021 at 3:00 pm.

Committee Updates
Downtown Scarsdale Village
Downtown Revitalization

The Downtown Revitalization Committee is continuing work on Village Center initiatives, and is co-chairing the ad hoc committee together with the Municipal Services, Sustainability, and Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale groups on recommendations regarding a potential cannabis dispensary and consumption establishment in the Village, following New York's recent cannabis legalization legislation. Please contact Chair Susan Douglass,

The Education Committee continues work on major topics that have emerged over the last several years, including Civics Education on Election Issues, and Media Literacy, Disinformation and Critical Thinking in Relation to Civic Participation. Please Contact Chair Barry Meiselman,

The Recreation Committee is initiating study on the condition of the playing fields, the Pool Complex, and bicyclist safety, among other recreation issues of importance to the community. Please contact Chair Jeremy Gans,
Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale

The Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale Committee is collaborating with the Municipal Services, Sustainability, and Downtown Revitalization ad hoc committee on recommendations regarding a potential cannabis dispensary and consumption establishment in the Village, following New York's recent cannabis legalization legislation. Please contact Chair Anne Hintermeister,
Municipal Services

The Municipal Services Committee is co-chairing the ad hoc collaboration with the Downtown Revitalization, Sustainability and Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale committees on recommendations regarding a potential cannabis dispensary and consumption establishment in the Village, following New York's recent cannabis legalization legislation.

Municipal Services members also look forward to Village Board Working Sessions that will engage the community on the critically important recommendations made in the recent joint Forum committee Report on "Gas Leaf Blowers, Leaf Vacuuming, and Leaf Mulching," and in the most recent Municipal Services Report on traffic safety and implementation of complete streets policy and design, and safe routes to schools. Please contact Chair Madelaine Eppenstein,

The Sustainability Committee is collaborating with the Municipal Services, Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale, and Downtown Revitalization committees on recommendations regarding a potential cannabis dispensary and consumption establishment in the Village, following New York's recent cannabis legalization legislation. The Committee is also continuing advocacy for more sustainable landscaping practices of mower mulching leaves, grasscycling in place, and the elimination of Village leaf vacuuming. Contact Sustainability Chair Darlene LeFrancois Haber,
Community Events, News & Resources
Thursdays, July 1 - August 5
8:00 - 10:00 pm
BYO folding chairs or blankets
Chase Park in the Village Center
(concert rain cancellations posted by 4 pm on Village website)

* * * * * * * *
BICYCLE SUNDAYS on Bronx River Parkway 10 am - 2pm
July 11, July 18, July 25

Scarsdale Forum Inc.

Scarsdale Forum Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, it has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, public speaker events and committee discussions. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status. 

Forum Focus generally is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members in the first week of each month. Story ideas should be sent to one week prior to be included in the coming issue.

The Scarsdale Forum Yearbook is available here. Report corrections by email to Media Contact below.

Media Contact
Madelaine Eppenstein