Forum Focus
July 2019

Message to Our Membership
The warm weather is here, school's out, and we'll soon be treated to the sights and sounds of fireworks to celebrate our nation's independence -- including tomorrow night at the Scarsdale pool complex.

Even though many have begun their summer vacations, the Scarsdale Forum is still in session. We may not be hosting the same timely and thought-provoking programs in the summer as we do in the fall, winter, and spring, but our committees will continue to meet, discuss, and lay the groundwork for future reports. If you haven't yet participated in a committee, now would be an excellent time to join a group working on the topic that most interests you. To learn more, visit

Enjoy the summer and happy Independence Day!

Tim Foley

Notes from the Board of Directors Meeting
The Scarsdale Forum's board of directors met on June 13 for a highly productive session. Three highlights of interest to members are:

Formation of new special committee on climate resilience. The board approved the creation of a one-year, ad hoc committee to review the issue of climate resilience.

Many local communities have fruitfully engaged in climate resilience planning to address vulnerabilities with regard to climate change and to protect community assets, including 33 Westchester municipalities that are participating in New York State’s Climate Smart Communities Program. Scarsdale has not yet engaged in this type of planning, and our goal is to provide village and school administrators with important information for their consideration.

The committee will study existing plans, policies, and projects to identify gaps and vulnerabilities related to the effects of climate change, and will review other communities’ climate resilience and climate action plans, as well as available funding opportunities to support such work in Scarsdale. Over the course of the next year, we hope to produce a report that can serve as a roadmap for the village and school district to address the impact of future climate-related challenges.

Owing to the high level of interest in this topic, the board has broadened membership in the committee to include any high school students who would like to participate.

You can expect to hear more about this effort soon. In the meantime, you may sign up for the committee now. If you'd like more information, contact President Tim Foley at .

Approval of new committee chairs. Via the process defined by our bylaws, 2019-20 chair(s) for each committee were nominated by the president and approved by the outgoing board. Committee chairs also automatically became members of the new board of directors. You can view a list of the new committee chairs.

Resolution on expectations for forum members speaking publicly. The board drafted and adopted a resolution to clarify expectations for members who provide their own public statements on issues that also will be addressed by present or future Scarsdale Forum committee reports. It reads as follows:

"RESOLVED – that it is the sense of the Board of Directors of the Scarsdale Forum that individual members of the Forum, speaking in a public setting, shall affirmatively state the capacity in which they are speaking, and shall take care not to convey the impression, directly or indirectly, that they are speaking on behalf of the Forum or the Committee to which they belong, unless expressly authorized to do so by President or the Board of Directors."

The next board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 12.
Committee Updates
Downtown Revitalization

The Downtown Revitalization Committee sent a letter to the Scarsdale Village mayor and trustees urging them to consider information previously provided by the Scarsdale Forum as they move ahead on the RFP for the Freightway Redevelopment Project.

The letter reminded officials about the valuable data and analysis contained in the Downtown Revitalization Committee's three reports, including the extensive survey results garnered from village consumers and merchants, and also referenced the Municipal Services Committee's recent traffic and safety reports. Village staff were invited to review the reports online and share them with potential development companies, as well as the village's consultant for the project, AKRF.

Municipal Services

The Municipal Services Committee invites the community to submit their personal observations of, or involvement in (1) traffic-related violations by motorists in Scarsdale; (2) pedestrian- and bicyclist-related incidents on our roads, crosswalks, and sidewalks; (3) gridlocked intersections; and (4) suggestions for improvements to traffic signals and signage throughout the village, including the village center. Any feedback should be sent to Madelaine Eppenstein at
 Scarsdale Forum Inc.

Scarsdale Forum Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, it has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, public speaker events and committee discussions. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status. 

Forum Focus generally is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members in the first week of each month. Story ideas should be sent to one week prior to be included in the coming issue.

Media Contact
Diane Greenwald

Forum Focus Editor
Laura Halligan