Boniface Circle Restoration Project

Forum Focus
August 2020

Message to Our Membership
Dear members:

There's no time like the present for the Scarsdale Forum to swing into action. Numerous committees are already at work this summer meeting virtually, discussing the substantive issues within their scope, and laying the groundwork for future reports on issues of vital interest to the community. The Program and Speaker Series committee is also planning our timely and thought-provoking programs for this coming fall and spring 2021.

If you would like to become more involved in the work of the Scarsdale Forum, are interested in sharing your thoughts, or wish to contribute to committee efforts, contact me or any of our other committee chairs and co-chairs listed at Committee Contacts .

Please continue to enjoy the summer safely, be well, and happy August to all!

Madelaine Eppenstein
Notes from the Board of Directors
Scarsdale Forum committee chairs and co-chairs invite you to join us as we tackle the subjects described in more detail below in the Committee Update section. Meanwhile, other committees have met or are gearing up for the new season, such as the Membership, Policy, Recreation and Electoral Process groups. Consider joining any or all of these and other Scarsdale Forum committees, all listed on the website. No prior experience with the subject matter is required.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 10, 2020 .
The next membership meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 1, 2020 .
The first Sunday Speaker Series event is scheduled for October 18, 2020.
Committee Updates

The Audit Committee, along with Scarsdale Forum Treasurer Matthew Martin, has been working to confirm that our organization's books and records are fairly stated and supported by proper documentation. The committee plans to distribute its finding to the board of directors prior to its meeting in September, and then to the membership prior to the October membership meeting. For more information, contact Chair Tom Giordano ,

County Fiscal Affairs

The County Fiscal Affairs committee has invited LoHud / Journal News Tax Watch columnist David McKay Wilson to join the group for the Q & A portion of its meeting via Zoom, scheduled for Tuesday August 4, 2020 at 8pm. The information gathering session will cover issues likely to affect the upcoming County budget, especially those relating to the Covid-19 crisis. Forum members interested in participating in the Zoom call are invited to join the CFA committee. Contact Chair Richard Pinto ,

Downtown Revitalization

The committee spearheaded the effort to enhance the appearance of the Boniface Circle pocket park in the Village Center (pictured above). Funding was supplied by Friends of the Scarsdale Parks, Inc., Scarsdale Improvement Corp. and private donors. Extensive pruning and trimming of overgrown hedges, trees and plants, removal of invasive weeds, planting new grass, and applying high-quality mulch were performed by Breath of Spring Landscaping. Additional improvements for Boniface Circle are under discussion. The committee is also studying proposed plans for a parking structure and health club development by Scarsdale Improvement at its properties located at 5 Overhill Road and the basement of 30 Popham Road, respectively. These projects and others were discussed at the committee's July 28, 2020 meeting via Zoom. Additional meetings are planned during the summer and throughout the year. Contact Chair Susan Douglass ,


The committee initially felt that its most impactful work prior to the start of the upcoming school year would be to develop more timely and effective ways for ongoing, meaningful communications among various stakeholders in the school district: parents, students, educators, school administration, BOE, and the district administration, and between elementary schools. A committee meeting was held on July 27, 2020 and issues related to the last trimester of the school year were discussed. Taking into consideration feedback from the BOE sponsored Listening Session on July 28 and the impending release of the most current version of the Restart plan on August 3, the committee has scheduled a meeting on August 5, 2020 to finalize its future direction and actions. Contact Chair Barry Meiselman ,

Note: Check the School District page regularly for updates.

Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale

Fiscal Affairs Scarsdale members are invited to attend a Board of Trustees Work Session scheduled for August 11, 2020 to review the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-2020 preliminary year-end budget results and the FY2020-2021 budget for the months of June and July 2020. Village officials will address Covid-19 related budget impacts to date, including the ongoing austerity measures and the impact of the ongoing health crisis on revenues. The status of certain FY2020-2021 capital budget items will also be presented. FAS members attended the previous budget Work Session on June 9, 2020, and have been encouraged by the Chair to mark their calendars and Zoom in to the Village Board's budget Work Session on August 11, 5:30 to 6:30 pm. For Zoom log in or more information, contact Chair Anne Hintermeister,
Sustainability, Municipal Services, and Climate Resilience

The Sustainability, Municipal Services and Climate Resilience committees will be meeting on Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 8:30 pm on Zoom. Adapting to life during the pandemic has renewed interest in studying how Scarsdale streets can become more walkable, bikeable, and generally more friendly to non-automobile traffic. Our committees are planning to jump start the conversation, begun in prior reports, about a "Complete Streets" plan that would emphasize accessibility and sustainability. If you'd like to participate contact Municipal Services Chair Madelaine Eppenstein ,, or Sustainability Chair Darlene LeFrancois Haber ,, who, together with Tim Foley,, Co-chair the Climate Resilience committee.

Community Health Information Resources

The Village of Scarsdale has a webpage devoted to its response to the Covid-19 health crisis and guidance for the community to follow to stay safe and well. Check the Village page regularly for updates and follow the Village of Scarsdale's Twitter feed.

The Westchester County Department of Health has the go-to page for public health information on Covid-19, including answers to frequently asked questions, strategies to protect yourself and your loved ones from exposure, and other helpful information. Check it out here.

 Scarsdale Forum Inc.

Scarsdale Forum Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, it has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, public speaker events and committee discussions. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status. 

Forum Focus generally is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members in the first week of each month. Story ideas should be sent to one week prior to be included in the coming issue.

Media Contact
Jill Spielberg