Forum Focus
August 2018

Message to Our Membership
The hissing of summer lawns (per Joni Mitchell) fills the evenings in Scarsdale, which, still, is a bit quieter as residents enjoy the summer here and away. However, the Audit, Assessment Revaluation and Communications Committees are working hard during these months to move various projects forward in preparation for the 2018-2019 season (see below). 

If you would like to become more involved in the work of the Scarsdale Forum, you may contact me, Vice President Tim Foley, or one of our committee chairs or co-chairs, each of whom is listed on , under the “Committee” tab.

Enjoy August.

Jon Mark
Committee Updates
Assessment Revaluation
 The Assessment Revaluation Committee has just released its report on the 2014 and 2016 revaluations.

The report recognizes that there were too many instances in both revaluations in which results were not adequately explained, and, worse, processes and results could credibly and logically be considered unfair. However, the premise and focus of the document is that, with the benefit of hindsight, Scarsdale can learn from these experiences to prevent the problems in the future.

The committee hopes the report will assist Scarsdale leadership in effectively supervising and managing any subsequent revaluation, and support it in an informed and convincing way.

To add to its value as a reference source, the report contains many supporting materials that uphold the committee’s observations, including assessment industry literature, useful New York State materials, documentation from both revaluations, and some technical papers and spreadsheets. It also includes an appendix that restates all the committee's recommendations. A copy is available by clicking here .

For more information contact either of the committee's co-chairs, Robert Berg ( or Steve Pass ( ).

The Audit Committee, along with Scarsdale Forum Treasurer Randy Guggenheimer, has been working to confirm that our organization's books and records are fairly stated and supported by proper documentation. The committee plans to distribute its finding to the board of directors prior to its meeting in September, and then to the membership prior to the October membership meeting. For more information, contact Audit Committee Chair Tom Giordano (

Do you have some professional or volunteer expertise in marketing, advertising, public relations or social media? Then joining the Communications Committee ought to be right up your alley! The Scarsdale Forum has developed a healthy program of communicating with members and potential members about the latest developments in our programs and committee work, including Forum Focus , which you're now reading!

Over this next year, we plan to review how the Scarsdale Forum is presented via our website, printed materials and social media. Are we piquing the interest of potential members? Are we clearly conveying our strengths, work and tradition?

The committee will host online, rolling "virtual meetings" throughout the fall, via the Scarsdale Forum email system -- "Slack"-channel style. If you're interested in joining the discussion, contact Communications Chair Tim Foley ( ). 
Community Events
Chase Park Concerts Continue

Free Thursday band concerts in Chase Park continue on August 2 and August 9 , both at 8:00 pm. The performances will feature the Westchester Band under the direction of Conductor Alan Hollander. Concert-goers are encouraged to bring lawn chairs, blankets, and picnic dinners or snacks. The rain location is the Scarsdale High School auditorium on Brewster Road.

Parties in the Park

The Scarsdale Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department continues its family-friendly "Parties in the Park" series on Friday, August 3 at Chase Park and Friday, August 17 at Crossway Park. Each event is two hours, running from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Activities include live singing and music, balloon animals and face painting.
Scarsdale Forum Inc.

Scarsdale Forum Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to community education through discussion and analysis of issues relevant to Scarsdale residents. Since 1904, it has contributed meaningfully to village affairs through written reports, public speaker events and committee discussions. Membership is available to all Scarsdale and Mamaroneck Strip residents, regardless of citizenship status. 

Forum Focus generally is distributed to Scarsdale Forum members in the first week of each month. Story ideas should be sent to one week prior to be included in the coming issue.

Media Contact/Communications Chair
Tim Foley 

Forum Focus Editor
Laura Halligan