TCCN Pediatricians, APPs, and Practice Administrators,

Due to the recent and ongoing formula shortage, we understand that many of your patient families are searching for ideas on finding what formula supply may be available.

We have received reports that another entity may be directing parents to take their infants to the Emergency Department if they are having issues finding formula. The ED does not have resources to simply provide formula to families, so please notify parents of alternative resources noted in this communication.

Children’s has released this statement with suggestions that may help:

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta has admitted a few patients with complex medical needs who were using specialty formulas now in limited supply due to the formula recall. These children were admitted to find the best new available formula. Overall, most children have tolerated formula changes without needing to be admitted to the hospital.
Parents should call their Primary Care Doctor, Pediatrician or OB/GYN to see if they have in-office samples or can suggest a similar formula that may be more readily available in stores and is nutritionally similar to your infant's typical formula. You should NOT water down formula, try to make formula at home, or use toddler formula to feed infants. For additional information, please see this fact sheet from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with resources for locating safe formula.
For more tips, please visit Strong4Life.

In addition to the resources above, these are other potential avenues that you can suggest to parents:
  1. Many retail stores are getting shipments in every day. Ask family and friends to keep an eye out for you when they are doing their shopping and have them pick up just what you need.
  2. Local food banks or food pantries might have received formula donations. Check with local organizations to see if they have what you need. 
  3. Families can try using Social Media networks to help find formula by searching #findformula
  4. The Oley Foundation maintains a list of donated and available formula in many areas. Register with their website to view that list. 

Please note that there is some potential that parents may be referred to DFACS if their infant is malnourished and meets other criteria for referral, so be aware that as these issues persist there may be some families that are impacted by this possibility.

Children’s and TCCN are paying close attention to this issue and will continue to refer to available resources. Thank you for your diligence as you help families in need.

The Children's Care Network

Phone: 404-785-0101  l  Visit us at
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