Forest Notes | Issue 2

Hello Gerald,

In a powerful keynote address at Chatham House in London earlier this month, Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, issued a compelling call to action. Stiell highlighted the critical importance of the next two years in combating climate change and urged wealthy nations, notably the G20, to bolster their climate action plans. Stiell's speech serves as a poignant reminder of the urgency we face and the collective responsibility to navigate towards a sustainable future.

In this month's Forest Notes, we explore the latest news and updates from the projects we represent, spotlight insightful webinars, provide our perspective on the newest VCM developments, and delve into key concepts like baselines in our latest REDD+ 101 blog.

Image: Neema Women's Group, Wildlife Works Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project © Filip Agoo for Everland

REDD+ 101: What are baselines?

Baselines are a hugely debated topic. Effective baselining is the cornerstone of any REDD+ project to accurately quantify credits for genuine emission reductions. But what are they and how are they defined?

In the second blog of our REDD+ 101 series, Everland's Dr Maren Pauly, Director of Evaluation and Research explains the process of baseline establishment for REDD+ projects and the shift towards jurisdictional baselining. 

Learn more

Download our handy REDD+ Glossary

Image: Simon Stiell speaking alongside Jane Okoth, Media and Communications Officer, from Wildlife Works Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project at the Global Citizen Festival in New York, September 2023. © Katie G Nelson for Everland

REDD+ Project Spotlight

Wildlife Conservation Society: Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary REDD+ Project

Nestled between two important eco-regions of Cambodia within the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot - the Annamite Mountains evergreen forests, and the lower Mekong dry forests, is the 167,000 hectare VCS and CCB Gold validated Wildlife Conservation Society Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary REDD+ Project. Amidst constant threat of illegal forest clearance and resource extraction, the project implements a rigorous community-based ranger program, securing the sanctuary’s future while fostering alternative livelihoods and empowering Indigenous Communities.

Home to more than 950 wild species, including 75 globally threatened species, it is also the ancestral home of the Indigenous Bunong people, whose unique culture and beliefs are inseparable from the forest in which they live.

The project has defended the traditional rights of over 12,000 Indigenous Bunong and Stieng people from 20 villages within the Project Area by helping the Indigenous Communities to secure one of the first Indigenous Community Land Titles in Cambodia. It has also:

  • Reached over 2,200 people with clean water facilities
  • Reduced threats for 39 species
  • Removed over 1,200 snares and over 92 chainsaws have been confiscated
  • Increased employment - 596 people employed by the project, including 68 women
  • Issued the first Indigenous Community Land Title (ICTs) inside a protected area
  • Supported the issuance of 7 Indigenous Community Land Titles (ICTs)

16,378,530 tonnes of verified CO2 emissions avoided to date

Learn more

Field Notes

Becoming Payé

In March, Esteban Rossi, Everland’s Senior Project Officer, sat down with Gregorio Gomez Gutierrez, Asatrizy’s Payé, or spiritual leader, to hear about life and livelihoods in one remote Colombian village - and how a new REDD+ project might help them preserve it. 

Esteban is a seasoned conservation specialist with years of deep-rooted experience in his homeland of Colombia. As part of the Project Partnerships team, he's responsible for developing strong working relationships with REDD+ project developers and local communities to facilitate Everland’s work on the ground.

Read Gregorio's story

First ever medical clinic brings quality healthcare to Mai Ndombe

The fully-operational medical clinic in Ibali signifies a milestone for the Wildlife Works Mai Ndombe REDD+ Project, offering advanced healthcare to the Ibali community and neighboring villages in the project zone for the first time. Through the projects Local Development Committee, the community directed the funds received from carbon credits, on their own terms, to shape this healthcare development. Wildlife Works followed Dr Ntoko Christian as he prepared the clinic for its first patients.


"As soon as we installed those water pipes, it felt like we had acquired a whole world of water. Because water is life. When there's no water, nothing, no matter what you do, will move or progress."

Grace Mwachugha, Community Representative, Wildlife Works Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project

Learn more about REDD+ Projects

Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)

Their recent decision to recognize environmental attribute certificates, including carbon credits, as a valid mechanism for addressing a portion of Scope 3 emissions targets marks a significant step forward for corporate climate action. This evidence-based move has garnered widespread support, signaling a promising avenue for accelerating emission reductions.

Professor Dr. Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research acknowledges the importance of offsets as a transitional tool, provided they adhere to stringent criteria.

At the heart of the matter lies a commitment to science-backed solutions. As discussions unfold, it's imperative that we prioritize tangible emission reductions over ideological debates. High-quality carbon credits, when integrated alongside internal emission reduction efforts, offer a means of advancing towards global net zero.

For us, this decision holds particular significance for community-based forest conservation efforts and our planet's future. Crafting robust rules and thresholds will be pivotal in enabling companies to bolster local communities and combat climate change effectively. We eagerly anticipate engaging with the SBTi as they steer this crucial initiative forward in the months ahead.

"The women in the community used to a little farming and stay home to take care of their children. They were unaware of any other means of income. As they have acquired skills to make goods, they are now able to support their families with better income and have sustainable lives."

Ms. Pheang, Community Leader, Wildlife Alliance Southern Cardamom REDD+ Project

 In case you missed it

The Sustainable Finance for Tiger Landscapes Conference

"It's always an economic driver that takes down forests. So if you're going to change the trajectory of a forest in decline, you need to introduce economic alternatives that are favourable to the local community. The world values forests, but they value them cut down. What a REDD+ project does is value a forest standing."

Watch our founder Gerald Prolman speak at this conference hosted by The Royal Government of Bhutan, where he covered how REDD+ as a nature-based solution can support tiger conservation through the protection of habitat.

Watch Gerald speaking from -3:01:00

IETA Guidelines for High Integrity Use of Carbon Credits

IETA's recent release of their Guidelines for High Integrity Use of Carbon Credits marks a crucial step forward for the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). As the Earth experiences its 10th consecutive hottest month on record, there's an urgent call to accelerate climate action. These guidelines provide a roadmap for corporations to effectively contribute to this vital cause.


Beyond Standards in Carbon Markets

Discover the latest insights from Everland's CEO, Joshua Tosteson, and other industry leaders in a webinar focused on advanced methodologies for ensuring trust in carbon credit purchases, surpassing current standards. They discuss developer strategies, technologies, and insights from WBCSD on fostering long-term stability in carbon credit markets.


Corporate Investments in Forestry and Biodiversity

Angela Foster-Rice, Everland's General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Policy and Market Innovation, moderated an insightful session, titled "Scaling the Demand for Natural Climate Solutions Voluntary Credits" at the recent CIFB summit in Chicago.

They delved into how corporates can collaborate to achieve their net-zero ambitions through productive ecosystems. 

Key topics discussed included incentives for businesses to engage more actively in the voluntary carbon market, the crucial role of voluntary credits in closing the finance gap for nature, and the utilization of voluntary carbon credits in the "reduce, restore & remove" framework. 

Explore Nature-Based Carbon Credits at the 24-hour Natural Climate Solutions Summit!

📅 Date: May 14, 2024

🕒 Time: 00:00 – 23:59 CEST (24 hours)

🌐 Location: Online, covering all time zones worldwide

Why Attend?

You're invited to join the 24-hour Natural Climate Solutions Summit, co-hosted by the Natural Climate Solutions Alliance. This summit is a must-attend event for businesses interested in learning more about nature-based carbon credits (NBCs). Gain insights from experts and practitioners worldwide on how NBCs can address climate and nature crises while contributing to social development.

What to Expect:

  • Learn about Natural Climate Solutions and their impact on the environment.
  • Discover how NBCs can benefit your business while making a positive difference.
  • Explore strategies for selecting credits from projects that have a real impact.
Register Now

What we've been reading and listening to

  • Expert review of the science underlying nature-based climate solutions- Nature
  • The science behind forest carbon credits is sound, finds new study- Energy Monitor
  • Companies and Carbon Credits: From Anecdote to Evidence - EcoSystem Marketplace
  • Protected areas bear the brunt as forest loss continues across Cambodia - Mongabay Environmental News
  • Why the SBTi’s proposal to include carbon credits is on the right side of climate history - Reuters
  • Why the forest carbon market is bouncing back - Environmental Finance
  • In a fabled Kenyan landscape, a carbon credit project is paying off- Forbes
  • Why Are the World’s Foremost Tiger Conservationists Gathering in Bhutan?- Wildlife Conservation Society

Have your say...

What content would you like to see more of?
REDD+ 101 Blogs e.g. Permanence, additionality and leakage
Biodiversity 101
Live webinars
Community impact stories
Q+A sessions with project developers
Market intelligence - data and trends

Who we are

Everland exclusively represents the Voluntary Carbon Market’s largest portfolio of high-impact, community-centered, forest conservation REDD+ projects. Everland brings together forest communities and corporations in a common cause to protect some of the world’s most important and vulnerable forests. If you want to discuss how REDD+ can support your company's transition to net-zero or if you have any other REDD+ related questions, we're here to help.

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