Industry Insider Newsletter
July 2021
Forest NB is pleased to announce the appointment of Kim Allen as the association’s new executive director. Ms. Allen will be responsible for overseeing Forest NB’s mandate and general affairs along with representing the forest sector before government and the public.
As a former, senior, provincial bureaucrat, Kim brings a dynamic range of skills in organizational management, research and analysis, community and stakeholder engagement, and negotiations and conflict resolution. Extensive engagement with public, private, and academic sectors, including with First Nations, affords Kim a unique ability to see critical issues from many perspectives and bring together multiple interests to focus on solution focused outcomes.
Forest NB Chairman Drew English states, “Ms. Allen understands the value the forest sector brings to New Brunswick through sustainable practices that provide a range of environmental, social, economic and cultural benefits for current and future generations. She firmly believes the forest industry will be a leader in this province in realizing a sustainable, inclusive, lower-carbon economy for New Brunswick.”
Kim Allen’s appointment was effective July 12th, and she replaces former executive director Mike Legere.
As the executive director of Forest NB, I will continue fostering strong relationships and balancing multiple values, while amplifying the dialog about the role that New Brunswick’s Forest sector and its dynamic workforce plays in achieving a sustainable, carbon-balanced economy,” added Ms. Allen.

Please reach out to welcome Kim Allen at