Industry Insider Newsletter
October 2021
Orange Shirts: A National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
September 30, 2021 marks the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Also known as Orange Shirt Day, it is a day to honor the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families, and communities.
In recent months we have been confronted with the reality of our Nation’s painful past with the discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves at the sites of former residential schools in Canada. There is shock, grief, outrage, and disbelief. But there is also recognition that we must face this history. Reconciliation requires awareness of the past; acknowledgement of the harms done; atonement and action to change perceptions and behaviors.
On September 30th I invite you to wear an orange shirt, attend a cultural commemorative event, honor those lost children and survivors, learn more about the residential school legacy, listen to the stories of our Indigenous sisters and brothers. Reconciliation requires all of us.

Upcoming Course on Sawmill Machine Safety 

NB Forest Association is launching a new Sawmill Machine Safety (Safeguarding) health and safety course for NB Forest Safety Association (based on CSA Standard Z-432-16), in both official languages. Corbo Engineering firm has developed this training program with guidance from our Provincial Focus Group (NB Sawmill Industry Experts) and in collaboration with both Working NB and WorksafeNB. This course is a great opportunity for your company to raise awareness and educate employees around the subject of safeguarding, to help prevent incidents/accidents in your workplace. There are many options for the course: in person, virtual, reservations and public sessions.

Intended Target Group/Audience: For sawmill business owners, maintenance supervisors, mechanical engineers, production employees and health and safety representatives.

You can book now by contacting us at

2021 Recipient of the
Ernie Strickland Scholarship

Congratulations to Ryan Nichol for being the 2021 recipient of the Ernie Strickland award. Originally from New Mills, Ryan will start his first year in completing a Bachelor of Science in Forestry at the University of New Brunswick.

Best of luck Ryan!