Industry Insider Newsletter
April 2020

Legislature Watch
Since recessing of the legislature in March, markets have held well for some commodities and been volatile for others. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic lumber seems to have found its bottom recently with NB mills reporting orders starting to return and prices turning in the right direction after a month of decline. Pulp (NBSK) remains relatively unchanged since last October and OSB panels seems to have come off by about 12% since March but still above the 52 week average.
Before breaking, the legislature whipped off three pieces of legislation of interest to forestry folks. Bills 30 & 32 amendments to the Gas & Motive Fuel Act passed into law on March 17th, the last day of regular sitting of the legislature. These acts expanded provisions to include any carbon emitting fuels and also introduced the new tax rates, effectively adding two cents to every litre of gasoline or diesel. Forest NB estimates provisions to exempt wood producers will save small and medium sized operators nearly a half million dollars in 2020. Under the federal levy operators were facing $1.6 million price tag in the first year alone.
Another bill (34) has introduced amendments to the Building Code Administration Act that will accommodate adoption of the 2015 National Building Code (NBC)allowing for six story wood frame construction. N.B. is the last province to adopt the code which will be obsolete this year as the 2020 code becomes available with provisions for twelve story wood-frame buildings. Here's hoping more wood finds its way into local commercial & municipal projects.
To wrap up this months watch, the Standing Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship are waiting to reschedule public hearings postponed by the current public health crisis. April 3rd was the last date for written submissions.
Green Ride for Green Jobs

During Forest NB's 2020 Industry Forum, Forestry in a changing climate was the explored theme. Many outstanding speakers presented on diverse subjects such as Zachary Wagman from Project Learning Tree, the manager of the Green Ride for Green Jobs initiative. Zac rode a wooden bike across Canada to promote green jobs to youth. In total, he pedaled 9000 km to inform youth of the different opportunities available to them.

To watch the full video CLICK HERE
AV Group Donated $150,000 to Local NB Foodbanks
AV Group NB announced last week that it will be donating $150,000 to local foodbanks to assist with the challenges faced in these unprecedented times and the increased need for community support.

AV Group wanted to help with the daily challenges of COVID-19, throughout our Province many have been left without employment and struggle to support their families and loved ones in these times of uncertainty. Demand on local foodbanks has increased substantially since the onset of the pandemic and is sure to increase further. The company and employees wanted support those in need within their local communities and regions.
They will be providing the following:

  • $50,000 to Valley Foodbank serving Nackawic and the Valley region
  • $50,000 to Restigouche County Volunteer Action Association in Campbellton
  • $50,000 to Fredericton foodbank

Thank you AV Group!
Wood Matters

Read Forest NB's monthly blog
with guest submission by Derek Nighbor, President and Chief Executive Officer, Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) :

NB Forestry is researching new pulp formulas
for use in medical supply manufacturing.