Sappy Trails
When walking on any of our paths, especially those canopied by trees, you might find spots that seem unusually slick. One culprit behind this slipperiness is tree sap. When it drips from trees onto walkways, it can create slick surface because sap contains natural resins and oils that, when exposed to air and elements, become slippery. Rain or dew can exacerbate the situation, turning sap-coated surfaces into potential hazards for walkers and cyclists. Everyone please be mindful when walking our paths - wear appropriate footwear with good grip and stay alert to changes in path conditions of all types.
The first day of school for most of our neighborhood kids is Wednesday, August 20th. Please drive carefully - watch for walkers, bikers and scooters. Slowing down during your morning and afternoon commute won't make you late - and will make it safer on our roads for all residents. Parents, please talk to your teenage drivers about slowing down and keeping a watchful eye out. Thank you!
If You've Lost It, We've Probably Found It
We've collected quite an assortment of lost items in the FLCA office - from bikes to cell phones to keys to pickleball racquets. Please check with us if you've lost anything, we'd love to find their owners. We also keep a running list of anything you've lost (but hasn't been found yet) just in case it's turned in to the office so we know who to contact.