BBER's Forest Industry Research Program is one of the largest departments of its kind in the country. The program's work covers the western region, monitoring forest products operations in Montana, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, NevadaNew Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming focusing on the forest industry's size, diversity, and economic impacts. 

Forest Industry Research Bulletin 
Winter in the northern Rockies might finally be over--whew! But, winter was productive for the Forest Industry Research Program, as you will see in the contents of this newsletter. We had a number of articles published, two of which are available via  treesearch . The third was published in Forest Science and the last one was published in the Journal of Forestry, both of which are available not just to academics but to members of the Society of American Foresters. If you're not already a member, here's one of many good reason to become one today:
Report Highlights TPO Data

A report published by the Northwest Advanced Renewables Alliance highlights the value of Timber Products Output (TPO) research for providing essential feedstock information needed to characterize biofuel supply chains.

New Wyoming and Montana Timber Harvest & Industry Reports Available

New reports and data are now available on our website describing timber harvest and forest products industry trends in Montana and Wyoming.  

Coming Soon: Economic contributions of the forest products industry in Montana and Wyoming

Quantifying What's Left in the Woods

A study of commercial timber harvesting activities in Oregon and Washington was conducted from 2011 through 2015 to characterize current tree utilization, logging operations, and assist with estimating the amount of woody biomass left onsite after harvesting.
Bureau of Business and Economic Research | University of Montana | (406) 243-5113 | |