Forage Newsletter | June 2022
The Dairy One Forage Lab excels in providing high-quality analyses and customer service. Our goal is to provide analytical services designed to meet the expanding demands of modern agriculture. New technology and traditional methods are combined to deliver fast, accurate results.
NIR Technical Note
Cassy Streeter, NIR Services Manager
The team at Dairy One has seen a number of forage pellet, forage cube, and chopped hay samples arriving at the laboratory that contain non-forage supplements and additives. We have tested many of these samples by both wet chemistry and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR) and found that these sample types are not compatible with our NIR calibrations. The Dairy One hay calibration library contains a wide range of hay species as well as various types of forage pellets and cubes that do not contain additives, supplements, or other concentrates. These types of products are more common in equine diets. As equine nutrition continues to evolve, we anticipate seeing more of these custom forage products, so it is important to note if your sample contains non-forage supplements.

If your sample does contain hay plus “a little something else”, we recommend one of our wet chemistry packages such as the (603) Trainer or (604) Equine Complete for Equi-Analytical or (311) Ration Balancer Plus or (315) Model Profile for ruminant diets. If you have any questions regarding which analysis packages are appropriate for your sample, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support by email, phone:607-375-9962, or the new text feature on our website!
Affiliate Spotlight
Dairy One's World Wide Network of Affiliate Labs has grown considerably since bringing our first Affiliate on board in 2008. Our NIR Affiliate Lab network allows people across the world to have local access to the same high-quality NIRS lab analysis we offer at Dairy One. We are excited to introduce you to some of our long-term Affiliates!
Affiliate:  Feed Central
Affiliate since: 2013
Location: Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia
Primary market: sale of forage feed to beef and dairy clients

The nutritional information obtained through the Dairy One NIR calibrations perfectly complements the Forage Visual Quality Assessment system developed by Feed Central; utilized for marketing products on their national digital marketing platform. The combination of feed analysis with visual assessment provides sellers and purchasers of feed with confidence in the quality of product they are trading. 

Samples received in the laboratory range from primarily hays, to straws, silages, fresh samples, grains and rations.
Meet our Intern, Catie Eisenhut
We are pleased to have an intern working on special NIR projects this summer. Catie is back in her hometown of Ithaca NY before returning to her Junior year in Food Science at Penn State in the fall. She is thrilled to be working in a production lab, adding to her experience in multiple lab environments. Catie works in the Guiltinan-Maximova lab at Penn State and has worked in a USDA lab and the Boyce Thompson lab at Cornell in the past. Post-graduation she is considering grad school, with an interest in food security and food policy. In her free time, she loves to bake, hike, and run.
Come See Us!
 CNS Biennual Meeting
o  Salt Lake City, UT
o  July 31st-Aug 5th
We are hiring!
We are looking for lab professionals to join our team! Dairy One has been providing service to farms for over 70 years. Many employees have chosen careers with our organization because of our values, stability, and long-term commitment to each other and to the industry. Our employees are an essential part of the broader food supply chain.
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Dairy One Forage Laboratory | 730 Warren Road, Ithaca NY 14850
607-375-9962 |