Stream Health Initiative

Thursday, May 13th, 2021

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Community Review of the Vision and Goals for Stream Health in Albemarle County

The Stream Health Initiative Work Group, comprised of rural and urban residents, farmers, forest owners, conservation professionals, and business owners, has created a draft Vision and Goals for stream health in our community.

The purpose of the Vision and Goals is to help focus our efforts as we develop strategies for improving stream health. The Vision is intended to reflect the desired condition of our waterways as we look to the future, while the Goals reflect what we hope to accomplish – broadly – in order to meet that overall Vision. 

We’d love to know how well this aligns with what you believe the community’s Vision and Goals for stream health should be, as well as any ideas you might have for specific strategies and actions that could help us work to address these goals. Please participate to share your thoughts! 

Review the Vision and Goals and complete the Define Questionnaire

Visit the Stream Health Initiative Project Hub

Stream Health Initiative Project Stages


DISCOVER (complete)

During the first stage of the project, we learned what’s important to you, and created learning opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of the topic.


DEFINE (current stage)

During this stage of the project, we will define the Vision for Stream Health and identify the Goals we need to meet in order to achieve our vision. We will identify challenges and opportunities for improving stream health.


DEVELOP (upcoming)

During this stage of the project, we will design and evaluate a variety of actions designed to help us to achieve our goals and vision. Opportunities for collaboration between County Staff and the Work Group will continue, with a focus on evaluation and finalization of the proposals.


DECIDE (upcoming)

During the final stage of the project, decisions will be made about how the County will move forward with improving stream health in the Rural Areas. The final proposals will be presented to the Board of Supervisors and public hearings will allow for any final input from the public to be heard.

Background about the Stream Health Initiative

In 2017, the Board of Supervisors directed County staff to develop strategies for improving stream health and water quality in the county. The project, referred to as the Stream Health Initiative, supports the objectives and strategies of the county’s Comprehensive Plan, which has a strong focus on protecting and improving water resources. It was borne out of the first objective of the county’s Natural Resources Program: to conduct a thorough public review of the stream buffer requirements of the County’s Water Protection Ordinance (WPO); as a result, the Stream Health Initiative has a strong focus on stream buffers and the WPO.

The Stream Health Initiative was divided into two phases. Phase 1, which is still ongoing, has focused on development-related issues and strategies for improving stream health in the county. Thirteen specific proposals were developed, some of which have been implemented; work on others is ongoing.

Phase 2 of the Stream Health Initiative will focus on issues and strategies for improving stream health in the Rural Areas.

Read more about the Stream Health Initiative

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