In honor of Womens’ History Month, join us for a free virtual screening of the documentary Standing On My Sisters' Shoulders.
(60 min., Dirs. Joan Sadoff, Dr. Robert Sadoff and Laura J. Lipson, 2002)
A missing chapter of the Civil Rights movement, this powerful documentary reveals the movement in Mississippi in the 1950’s and 60’s from the point of view of the courageous women who lived it and emerged as its grassroots leaders. Through moving interviews and powerful archival footage, Standing On My Sisters' Shoulders weaves a story of commitment, passion and perseverance—and tells the story of the women who fought for change in Mississippi and altered the course of American history forever. Click below to view a minute-long trailer. The full film is an hour.
"A moving, must-see film of courageous Black women fighting for (and winning) their families' constitutional rights...a truly inspirational portrait."
Jacqueline Bobo, Prof. of Women's Studies and Black Studies, UC Santa Barbara 
Standing On My Sisters' Shoulders
Screening virtually from March 17 – April 2.
Click on the red button below and use the
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Thanks to the film-making organization Women Make Movies for making this screening available. For fifty years, Women Make Movies has supported women producers and directors, planting the seeds for a diverse and inclusive filmmaking landscape.
Here are some other films featuring courageous women. Click anywhere on text or picture for more info:
Sheila Malkind
Founder and Executive Director
Legacy Film Festival on Aging

Or you can donate by check to:
Legacy Film Festival on Aging, P.O. Box 14253, SF, CA 94114.

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Legacy Film Festival on Aging is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

If you think you can help us with fundraising, grant writing, publicity, have any other helpful ideas💡, please contact us.
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