Project Management

In order to properly manage our redecorating project For Such a Time as This we work closely with the Archdiocese office of Catholic Construction. They are responsible for project management, including coordinating schedules, issuing purchase orders, and providing oversight and guidance on the major components of the project. Through their efforts and those of the responsible parties here at the Basilica we are happy to report that we are currently on schedule and on budget. 

We anticipate completing Phase One A around the first week of Advent. As a reminder Phase One A includes the new marble flooring in the Sanctuary and transition to the Nave, and and the enhanced new lighting in those areas. It also includes the fabrication and installation of new liturgical furnishings; altar, ambo, tabernacle stand, crucifix, lectern and chairs for the presider, deacon and others. We also plan to complete the Adoration Chapel and the Baptistry during this phase.

Here’s a recent screenshot view of the scheduling and milestone tracking tool used by the Catholic Construction office that is updated bi-weekly during conference calls attended by all the contractors and supervisory people involved in the project, including our Pastor Father John and others from the Basilica.

The marble liturgical furnishings and the crucifix are being hand crafted by artisans in Italy to custom designs and, when complete sometime in October, will be shipped via container by sea on a journey that should take 3-4 weeks. The chairs are being hand-crafted and upholstered in Indiana and are planned to arrive on schedule.

The next most visible, and likely noisy and dusty part of the project is the installation of the floor. The pedrella, or platform on which the altar and other furnishings will reside, will be completed during the first week of September. 

The flooring contractor, Rugo Stone has completed cutting and preparing the marble. When complete, the Carrara marble flooring sections, stair treads, and other components were delivered on September 9.

Here are progress photos of the marble being sawed, worked and prepared prior to shipping.

The three crests representing the Basilica, the Marists, and Pope Benedict that are to be embedded in the floor, are being crafted in Italy and shipped to arrive as part of this work. The floor installation is scheduled to begin the week of September 9th. to be completed in late October.

Once the flooring is complete, there are many additional tasks required to paint and repair areas of the Sanctuary and Apse that will be more visible once we can recombine them with the Nave for Mass.

We are pleased to report that the project is progressing as expected. Thank you for your support and prayers for success in completing this important phase of For Such a Time as This.

Learn more about the redecoration plans!
Brick Donations (Take home a piece of history)!

Our goal is to create a welcoming environment that supports the various liturgies that occur within it, is balanced and appropriate for a Basilica, follows current liturgical guidelines, and respects the history of Sacred Heart.