In order to properly manage our redecorating project For Such a Time as This we work closely with the Archdiocese office of Catholic Construction. They are responsible for project management, including coordinating schedules, issuing purchase orders, and providing oversight and guidance on the major components of the project. Through their efforts and those of the responsible parties here at the Basilica we are happy to report that we are currently on schedule and on budget.
We anticipate completing Phase One A around the first week of Advent. As a reminder Phase One A includes the new marble flooring in the Sanctuary and transition to the Nave, and and the enhanced new lighting in those areas. It also includes the fabrication and installation of new liturgical furnishings; altar, ambo, tabernacle stand, crucifix, lectern and chairs for the presider, deacon and others. We also plan to complete the Adoration Chapel and the Baptistry during this phase.