Two Great Activities For You To Join Us

Finding ways to utilize our building when players are in school and can't come in is always something we are looking at. We think we have found it! Pickleball! Pickleball has become so popular and we think we should offer it Monday-Friday from 6 AM to 12 PM!

We are looking to organize court times and play beginning in August but will be running open court times in May. Pickleball is a great way to get some exercise, have fun and compete!

Let us know if you are interested in being a part of this new venture - Please fill out the questionaire by clicking below and come in May for FREE!

It's going to be great!


Can you help us by playing this year? Grab some buddies and join us. Should be a fun Friday. Help support our efforts!

*We could use your help. If you know anyone interested in golf. We are looking to fill this fundraiser. Please forward this information to them.

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